Get Vaccinated against What?

Vaccination is not compulsory in Germany, but the recommendations of the Standing Commission on Vaccination (STIKO), which advises the health authorities of the German states at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, are. These recommendations are regularly reviewed and updated. Vaccination recommendations of the STIKO The STIKO recommends vaccinations against: Diphtheria Measles Rubella Mumps Tetanus … Get Vaccinated against What?


Symptoms Early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE) is asymptomatic in about 70-90% of cases. It is characterized by its biphasic course. In the early phase, which lasts 4-6 days, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, aching limbs, nausea and vomiting. Neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances may also occasionally occur. This is followed by a … TBE

Can you Protect your Child?

Of course, you can’t protect your children from accidents around the clock without at the same time taking away some of their independence and activity. Here it is necessary to find the right balance between safety and freedom. Prevention is important in any case. This means recognizing early on where dangers lurk and avoiding them, … Can you Protect your Child?

Vaccination: Protection against Dangerous Diseases

Just a little prick, and the body builds up defenses against serious and life-threatening diseases. After all, one third of all deaths worldwide are due to infectious diseases. But while vaccinations are usually carried out consistently in children thanks to extensive preventive programs, the willingness to vaccinate declines with increasing age. For older people, however, … Vaccination: Protection against Dangerous Diseases