Why the HbA1c Value is so Important

Many diabetics know this dilemma: The next appointment for blood glucose measurement is coming up and the radical diet is supposed to compensate for the small dietary slip-ups and possibly lower the HbA1c value quickly so that the values appear normal again. This is a big mistake, because the long-term blood glucose value, the so-called … Why the HbA1c Value is so Important

Conn Syndrome

Definition-What is Conn syndrome? Conn syndrome, also known as primary hyperaldosteronism, is caused by a pathological change in the adrenal cortex, which leads to an overproduction of the messenger substance aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone which has an important function in the regulation of the human salt and water balance. It sometimes plays a decisive … Conn Syndrome

I recognize Conn syndrome from these symptoms | Conn Syndrome

I recognize Conn syndrome from these symptoms The main symptoms of Conn syndrome are therapy-resistant high blood pressure and a low blood potassium level. High blood pressure can lead to headache and dizziness. Furthermore, sleep disturbances, tiredness, nervousness and concentration problems can be observed in those affected. The low potassium content, a so-called hypokalemia, can … I recognize Conn syndrome from these symptoms | Conn Syndrome