Hemorrhoids: Diagnosis and Therapy

Even if it is difficult for some: if you suspect hemorrhoids, you should not hesitate to see a doctor as soon as possible – in an early stage, hemorrhoids can be treated best. The right contact person for suspected hemorrhoids, in addition to the family doctor, is the proctologist.

With hemorrhoids to the doctor

In a conversation, the doctor will first determine the symptoms and also ask specific questions about dietary habits or toilet use.

Then the doctor will look at and palpate the anal area. Since hemorrhoids are often located deep in the anus and are not always palpable, he will then perform an anal canaloscopy (proctoscopy) or a rectoscopy (rectoscopy). The anal canal and its mucous membrane or the rectum are examined with a small tube (endoscope).

This allows various other causes, including serious diseases such as carcinoma, to be ruled out. This examination may be personally perceived as unpleasant, but it is an everyday routine for the doctor. As a rule, it is not painful.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

To avoid heavy squeezing when going to the toilet, you should keep your stool soft and ensure regular bowel movements. However, you should visit the toilet only when you really need to and avoid heavy pressing.

Proper nutrition is also important for hemorrhoids: increasing fiber and drinking enough fluids will help get digestion back on track. Foods with a high fiber content include fresh fruit, cereals, legumes and vegetables.

This process can be supported by exercise and sporting activity. Overweight people should try to reach their normal weight. In addition, careful hygiene in the anal region is also important. Finally, pelvic floor exercises to promote blood flow are helpful.

In addition, the following treatment options are used depending on the stage:

  • Locally inserted suppositories, ointments or creams help against the discomfort of smaller hemorrhoids (grade I).
  • Sclerotherapy: small and medium-sized hemorrhoids (grade I – II) can be sclerosed. For this purpose, a liquid is injected, through which the tissue shrinks.
  • An alternative to this is ligation, in which the medium-sized hemorrhoids (grade II – III) are tied off with a rubber ring. In this process, the blood supply is interrupted and the tissue dies or regresses.
  • Surgery: hemorrhoids of grade III and grade IV must be surgically ablated, for example, by surgery according to Longo, Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL), the stapler method or recto-anal pexy (RAR).

All other medical treatment options are either no longer used because of complications or poor efficacy (for example, cold treatment, infrared coagulation) or are not (yet) recommended because of insufficient studies (for example, electrotherapy).

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, a visit to the doctor is usually unavoidable. However, in addition to sufficient exercise and the right diet, home remedies can help alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids until then. These include, for example, calendula ointment or sitz baths with chamomile or oak bark tea. You can find more tips and home remedies for hemorrhoids here.