Thermoregulation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

With thermoregulation, the human body maintains an ambient body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. Metabolism, as well as muscles and oxygen transport, depend on this temperature. Thermoregulatory disorders present themselves, for example, in heat stroke. What is thermoregulation? With thermoregulation, the human body maintains a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, independent of the environment. … Thermoregulation: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Spider Naevi

Definition A Spider naevus, also called Spider nevus or Naevus araneus, is a skin sign that occurs in chronic liver diseases. The name is derived from the English word for spider, “spider”, and “naevus” for birthmark. A Spider naevus is a visible dilation of arterial vessels and can be several centimeters in diameter. The shape … Spider Naevi

Symptoms | Spider Naevi

Symptoms A spider nevus is usually 0.2 to 1.0 centimeters in size, but can also be several centimeters in size. It is a vascular dilatation with a small, red, dot-like, raised vascular node in the middle. From this vascular nodule, small vessels run outwards like a spider’s web or star-shaped. Spider naevi are found on … Symptoms | Spider Naevi

Cerebral Vascular Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Cerebral vascular resistance is one of the most important variables in the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. It is a flow resistance with which the cerebral vessels oppose the blood flow of systemic blood pressure. Autoregulation is impaired in severe brain injury in the setting of trauma, tumors, or cerebral hemorrhage. What is cerebral vascular … Cerebral Vascular Resistance: Function, Role & Diseases

Flurans: Effects, Uses & Risks

Flurans are polyhalogenated hydrocarbons with an oxygen bridge (ether bridge) as a functional group. All five known flurans belong to the group of inhalation narcotics and are characterized by a very good hypnotic, i.e. soporific, effect. Their analgesic (pain-relieving) effect, on the other hand, is weak, so that fluranes are usually used in anesthesia together … Flurans: Effects, Uses & Risks

Implantation of the stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Implantation of the stent During treatment in the cardiac catheter laboratory, which is also called percutaneous coronary intervention, or PCI for short, the catheters and all other instruments are usually introduced via the groin. The patient is awake, only the puncture site where the doctor punctures the vessel is locally anesthetized and the patient is … Implantation of the stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? The insertion of the stent itself usually takes between 30 minutes and one hour. If several stents are inserted at the same time, the time may be longer. Since stent surgeries today are usually performed using a catheter (a thin wire that is … How long is the hospital stay after a heart attack with stent? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Side effects and risks of a stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

Side effects and risks of a stent Since the stent is a foreign body in the vessel, a blood clot can form there at any time. This thrombus may block downstream vessels, which would lead to the formation of a new infarction. To prevent this complication, the patient is administered highly effective anticoagulants during the … Side effects and risks of a stent | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack

What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? Life expectancy after a heart attack is lower compared to the rest of the population. About 5 to 10% of patients who have suffered a heart attack die within the next 2 years from sudden heart failure. The fact that it is necessary … What is the life expectancy after a heart attack and subsequent stenting? | Implantation of a stent after a heart attack