Adjust the vertebrae

The settling of a vertebra is usually carried out when the mobility of individual vertebral bodies is restricted by a so-called blockage of the vertebra. The underlying blockage is a clinical picture of manual medicine, for which only a few studies and research results are available. Typical complaints that occur in the context of the … Adjust the vertebrae

Is it allowed to set in with a slipped disc? | Adjust the vertebrae

Is it allowed to set in with a slipped disc? In the case of a herniated disc, it is essential to discuss back treatments with the treating doctor. Basically, it is not advisable to have any manual therapy carried out at the site of the herniated disc, not even by a physiotherapist or chiropractor in … Is it allowed to set in with a slipped disc? | Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage Typical symptoms that occur when one or more vertebral bodies are blocked and which are an indication that the vertebrae are dislocated are movement-related back pain. It should be noted that when a vertebra is blocked, the joint movement of the spine is never completely restricted. This means that the spinal … Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

What are the consequences of setting? | Adjust the vertebrae

What are the consequences of setting? If the setting itself is done carefully, not beyond pain and not too often, it is safe. However, if it becomes a habit and is adjusted daily, in the long term it can damage the ligaments of the back muscles and lead to so-called hypermobility – a condition characterized … What are the consequences of setting? | Adjust the vertebrae