Is it allowed to set in with a slipped disc? | Adjust the vertebrae

Is it allowed to set in with a slipped disc?

In the case of a herniated disc, it is essential to discuss back treatments with the treating doctor. Basically, it is not advisable to have any manual therapy carried out at the site of the herniated disc, not even by a physiotherapist or chiropractor in the acute period. The danger is too great to cause further injuries or to aggravate the damage. Therefore, it should be refrained from doing any manual therapy yourself in case of a herniated disc. Complaints should be discussed with an orthopedist.

Adjusting vertebrae during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the muscles and skeleton of the pregnant woman are often strained and thus also tend to be frequently blocked. Since the blockage is often accompanied by severe pain and restricted movement, affected women also frequently seek medical help. The manual adjustment of vertebral blockages in pregnant women is usually just as possible as for non-pregnant women. However, comprehensive diagnostics should be carried out to rule out serious clinical pictures, which can also be accompanied by similar symptoms, and thus minimize the risks of the therapy. An individual consultation and the implementation of the therapy should always be carried out by the treating physician with the appropriate additional designation (see above).

Cause of a vertebral blockage

The cause underlying a blockage of the vertebral bodies has not yet been fully researched. For a long time, it was assumed that a mechanical blockage of certain joints of the spine exists and leads to the typical symptoms. However, data from current studies have shown that the disease pattern is probably caused by activation of certain nerve fibers that are responsible for the transmission of pain.

The pain fibers are activated by certain causes and lead in the course of time to tension in the muscles located in the back near the pain. The causes for the activation of the pain fibers are manifold. Especially chronic incorrect strain is known to contribute to the development of the blockages. In most cases, however, no cause can be found for the development of the clinical picture.