Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy An allergy or allergic reaction is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to otherwise harmless substances such as house dust or pollen. Most allergies manifest themselves by reddening of the eyes, sneezing, and sniffing. Some patients, however, develop such a strong reaction to certain substances that it can lead to … Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!


Synonyms in a broader sense Cold, flu, cough, rhinitis med. : Hyperthermia english: fever Definition Fever is an elevated body temperature that deviates from normal values, which are usually signs of infection, inflammation or other immunological reactions of the body. Introduction Fever is defined as an increase in body temperature above 38°C. In most cases, … Fever

Lowering of fever | Fever

Lowering of fever As many steps of the defense system to fight the pathogens are faster at an elevated body temperature, one should not always try to lower the fever immediately. However, if the affected persons are very weak and show other accompanying symptoms, one should fall back on known fever-reducing drugs. The most effective … Lowering of fever | Fever

Baby fever | Fever

Baby fever With small babies, one must be especially careful when fever occurs. On the one hand, babies cannot use speech to draw attention to the fact that they are not well and on the other hand, the body’s immune system is not yet sufficiently developed or strengthened, so that even mild infections can cause … Baby fever | Fever

Infant fever | Fever

Infant fever Babies and infants get fever much more often than adults. In case of slight infections the body may react by raising the temperature. Fever is a symptom and not an illness. First of all, raising the temperature is a natural protective mechanism of the body’s own defence system. In this way, the body … Infant fever | Fever

Child fever | Fever

Child fever Fever in a child is much more common than in an adult. In most cases, fever occurs in the context of mild infections. These very often include inflammation of the middle ear, recurrent inflammation of the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal infections. Small children are particularly susceptible, as they come into contact with many … Child fever | Fever

Fever after vaccination | Fever

Fever after vaccination In the context of a vaccination, fever is described as a possible side effect of the vaccine. Vaccinations are carried out by a pediatrician or family doctor and belong to the precaution and prevention just like the U – examinations. Vaccinations provide children with appropriate protection against serious infections and prevent the … Fever after vaccination | Fever

Fever without reason | Fever

Fever without reason If a fever occurs although it has already been diagnostically clarified that there is no organic cause, a psychologically triggered fever should be considered. For example, the fever can be triggered by mental stress. However, it should also be noted that in the first six months after the first occurrence of the … Fever without reason | Fever