Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement The vitamin requirement depends on many factors. Thus play an increased Vitaminbedarf can be caused on stress, physical and mental load, diseases, smoking, pregnancy and quiet time. Age, Gender and living conditions play a decisive role. Vitamins in the banana Bananas are not as rich in vitamins as other types of fruit, but … Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins

Hypervitaminosis One speaks of a hypervitaminosis when there is an oversupply of vitamins. This can only occur with the fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D and K). However, this cannot be achieved by diet. Only dietary supplements and vitamin preparations can be considered. With a balanced and healthy diet, hypervitaminosis is not to be expected. Vitamins … Hypervitaminosis | Vitamins

Vitamin B1 – thiamine

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Thiamine is found in both plant and animal products. Its chemical structure is characterized by a pyrimidine ring (containing two nitrogen (N) atoms in its six-membered ring) and a thiazole ring (containing one sulfur (S) atom in its five-membered ring). Occurrence: Vegetable: (wheat germ, sunflower seeds, soybeans) Thiamine must … Vitamin B1 – thiamine