Vitamin requirement | Vitamins

Vitamin requirement

The vitamin requirement depends on many factors. Thus play an increased Vitaminbedarf can be caused on stress, physical and mental load, diseases, smoking, pregnancy and quiet time.

  • Age,
  • Gender and living conditions play a decisive role.

Vitamins in the banana

Bananas are not as rich in vitamins as other types of fruit, but they contain a relatively large number of calories. Among the vitamins contained in bananas are vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K and some vitamins of the vitamin B complex. Vitamin C is important for the immune system and connective tissue.

Vitamin A is essential for visual function and the integrity of the skin. Vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting. In patients who are taking anticoagulant medication (for example Marcumar ®), fruit or vegetables containing vitamin K can therefore mean that the dose of the medication taken must be changed.

However, this usually only plays a role if larger quantities of the fruit or vegetable in question are ingested. Bananas also contain vitamin B6. It protects against nerve damage. It should be noted that bananas contain a relatively large amount of potassium. People with a high potassium level should therefore eat bananas only in moderation or avoid them altogether under certain circumstances.

Vitamins in the apple

Apples also contain numerous vitamins. For this a preliminary stage of the Vitamin A, Vitamin C, some Vitamine from the Vitamin B complex and Folsäure (Vitamin B9) as well as Niacin (Vitamin B3) rank. The functions of vitamin A and C are already mentioned above.

Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 are good for the nervous system and metabolism. Among other things, folic acid and niacin ensure beautiful skin. In general, hypovitaminosis, i.e. a vitamin deficiency, occurs in the course of an increased need, as is the case with, for example, a too low intake or other underlying diseases.

If you follow the nutritional guidelines of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) and provide your diet with sufficient fruit, vegetables and dairy products, hypovitaminosis is generally not to be expected. Only the supply of vitamin B9 (folic acid) is often insufficient. Especially during pregnancy, a deficiency is common due to the increased folic acid requirement of pregnant women.Since an undersupply of folic acid during pregnancy can have serious effects on the unborn child, an adequate supply is essential here.

As a result, folic acid tablets should be taken as a precaution four weeks before conception until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy. Otherwise, alcoholics in particular are affected by deficiency symptoms due to an insufficient supply of vitamins. Elderly people, vegetarians or smokers also suffer more quickly from deficiency symptoms. The symptoms vary depending on which vitamin is in short supply.

  • Pregnant women,
  • Breastfeeding,
  • Children and young people,