Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Riboflavin is also found in vegetable and animal products, especially in large quantities in milk and dairy products. Its structure is characterized by a tricyclic (consisting of three rings) isoalloxacin ring to which a ribitol residue is attached. Furthermore, vitamin B2 is in: broccoli, asparagus, spinach eggs and wholemeal … Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

The role of nutrition in vitamin B-12 deficiency | Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

The role of nutrition in vitamin B-12 deficiency The first symptoms that can be noticed with a vitamin B12 deficiency are skin symptoms. The mucous membranes in the throat and lips are often affected. Torn corners of the mouth or an inflamed and sore tongue can also be the first signs of a vitamin B12 … The role of nutrition in vitamin B-12 deficiency | Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

to overview Vitamins General information Vitamin B12 (or cobolamine) is a water-soluble vitamin, which is mainly found in animal products such as liver or fish and which the human body cannot produce itself. Since it is important for functions such as cell division and cell formation, blood formation and also for the nervous and cardiovascular … Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

Vitamin B5 – pantothenic acid

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Pantothenic acid occurs both in animal and in vegetable products, particularly plentifully in yolk, liver and kidney. In addition it is formed by our intestine bacteria. It is developed from beta Alanin and Pantoinsäure. Further Vitamin B5 is contained in: Nuts, rice, fruit, vegetables and brewer’s yeast. Its most … Vitamin B5 – pantothenic acid

Vitamin K – Phylloquinone

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Vitamin K is produced by plants and by our intestinal bacteria. An important structural feature is naphthoquinone (consisting of 2 rings), to which a side chain is attached. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting. It modifies the coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X, as well … Vitamin K – Phylloquinone

Vitamin E – tocopherol

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Tocopherol only occurs in plants, so it is particularly abundant in vegetable oils, for example. It has a chroman ring with a side chain. Among these oils are sunflower oil, palm oil, wheat germ oil and olive oil. Function Vitamin E is found in all biological membranes and serves … Vitamin E – tocopherol

Values | Vitamin D

Values Scientists are not yet in agreement about the ideal value for vitamin D in the blood. However, a vitamin D level of over 30 micrograms per liter is recommended. Particularly after the winter, in addition, often even in the summer exhibit over half of humans between 18 and 80 years a Vitamin D value … Values | Vitamin D

Vitamin D

To the overview: Vitamins Synonyms Cholecalciferol Occurrence and structure Cholecalciferol/Vitamin D is the precursor of Calcitriol. It is synthesized from cholesterol. The cholesterol is split in the skin by exposure to sunlight (i.e. UV light) and thus becomes cholecalciferol, which is actually vitamin D. The active form, however, is calcitriol, whose chemical name is actually … Vitamin D

Dosage | Vitamin D

Dosage Since only a part of vitamin D is absorbed through food and the other part is formed on the skin itself through the sun’s rays, it is difficult to determine a guide value for a daily dose. The amount of vitamin D produced by the body itself depends on many factors, such as skin … Dosage | Vitamin D