
Latin name: Nasturtium officinaleGenus: cruciferous plantsPopular names: Description: Low plant with long shoots which form dense cushions. Dark green, fleshy leaves, white flowers with yellow anthers. Flowering time: April to JuneOrigin: Occurs mainly along streams with clean water. Medicinally used plant parts The fresh leaves and the fresh cabbage as a salad or as a … Watercress

Fence Vine: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Fence bindweed, Latin name Calystegia sepium, belongs to the bindweed family (Convolvulaceae). It is also known by the popular names field bindweed, devil’s gut and bank fence bindweed. Already in the Middle Ages, people appreciated the laxative effect of the medicinal plant. Occurrence and cultivation of fence bindweed Already in the Middle Ages, people appreciated … Fence Vine: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits