Pel-Ebstein Fever

Definition In medicine, Pel-Ebstein fever is a feverish rise in temperature with an undulating course. Febrile and fever-free phases alternate again and again. The individual phases last for about three to ten days. As a rule, Pel-Ebstein fever does not occur as an independent clinical picture, but is a symptom of an underlying disease. It … Pel-Ebstein Fever

Therapy of Pel-Ebstein fever | Pel-Ebstein Fever

Therapy of Pel-Ebstein fever Pel-Ebstein fever itself can only be treated symptomatically. Antipyretic agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can be used for this purpose. Naproxen can also be used to effectively reduce fever if administered over three days. Typically, naproxen can suppress tumor-related fever. However, fever of infectious cause often continues … Therapy of Pel-Ebstein fever | Pel-Ebstein Fever