Products for home use | White teeth

Products for home use

For home use, over-the-counter products for white teeth and the removal of discoloration are available in pharmacies and drugstores. Certain toothpastes are used to remove deposits on the tooth surface. They either have a high abrasiveness due to aggressive cleaning agents or they only bleach the pigments.

Due to the aggressive cleaning bodies, these special toothpastes should only be used at longer intervals, otherwise they can damage the tooth enamel. The enamel must be given time to recover. The bleaching effect is achieved by hydrogen peroxide, but only in a much lower concentration.

In addition to toothpastes, products are also available that are applied as gel or as strips. They also contain low doses of hydrogen peroxide, which dissolves the discoloration from the enamel. Because of the low dosage, the application must be repeated several times for really white teeth.However, the effect does not last very long, so a repetition is necessary after about 1 year.

If plastic fillings are present, especially in the anterior region, they are not included in the whitening effect. This also applies to plastic crowns. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the gums do not come into contact with the whitening substances in order to avoid damage to the mucous membrane.

A splint made by the dentist, which the patient fills with the active product and wears for several hours, also serves to prevent damage. This application must also be repeated several times. Besides the usual tooth whiteners, so-called bleaching pens can also be used.

With the help of such a pencil the tooth color can be lightened by a few shades. When using bleaching pencils, some patience and sensitivity is needed, as each tooth is brushed individually and the gel must harden without contact with the lips. However, if the gel has hardened after 30 seconds, the handling is more pleasant than, for example, with bleaching strips.

In addition to toothpastes, products are also available that are applied as gel or as strips. They also contain a low dosage of hydrogen peroxide, which dissolves the discoloration from the enamel. Because of the low dosage, the application must be repeated several times for really white teeth.

However, the effect does not last very long, so the repetition is necessary after about 1 year. If there are plastic fillings, especially in the anterior region, they are not included in the whitening effect. This also applies to plastic crowns.

In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the gums do not come into contact with the whitening substances in order to avoid damage to the mucous membrane. A splint made by the dentist, which the patient fills with the active product and wears for several hours, also serves to prevent damage. This application must also be repeated several times.

Besides the usual tooth whiteners, so-called bleaching pens can also be used. With the help of such a pencil the tooth color can be lightened by a few shades. When using bleaching pencils, some patience and sensitivity is needed, as each tooth is brushed individually and the gel must harden without contact with the lips.

However, if the gel has hardened after 30 seconds, the handling is more pleasant than, for example, with bleaching strips. There are many different toothpastes on the market, with the help of which you can make your teeth whiter by daily use of the respective toothpaste, according to the advertising. But with some of the toothpastes caution is required.

They may contain ingredients that damage the enamel in the long run. They have an abrasive effect and can remove discoloration or plaque. Although the teeth are whiter at first, the enamel is also ground down as a result.

The teeth become more and more sensitive to pain and also yellow, as the yellowish dentin underneath shimmers through from time to time. Another household remedy for whitening teeth is the spice turmeric. The turmeric root comes from the ginger family and is actually known for its yellow coloring of foods such as rice.

You can chew a piece of raw turmeric root, which you can get in many organic stores or even in supermarkets, for several minutes or you can make a paste with turmeric powder and water with which you can brush your teeth. The teeth will initially turn yellow during the application. Therefore a subsequent rinsing with sufficient water is very important.

Turmeric is considered a remedy in connection with inflammation and swelling in the oral cavity and for this reason is often used as a supplement to traditional periodontal therapy. Furthermore, it is said to have an antibacterial effect and subsequently improve dental health. Therefore, occasional chewing of the turmeric root can be worthwhile to prevent diseases such as inflammation or swelling of the oral cavity.

Only the skin of the banana is needed to whiten the teeth. It contains a lot of potassium and magnesium. These are said to lead to a natural bleaching effect.

The inside of the banana peel is rubbed over the teeth for a few minutes. Afterwards, the coating created by the banana peel is left to work for about 10 minutes. Be careful not to remove it from your teeth with your lips.After the ten minutes have elapsed, the teeth can be brushed normally with the usual toothpaste.

The procedure can be repeated every few weeks. Many of the toothpastes recommended for whitening teeth contain the black ingredient activated carbon. The advantage of toothpaste containing activated carbon is the gentle cleaning of the tooth surfaces.

Due to the lack of abrasive particles there is no danger of damaging the enamel. Thus, the black toothpaste can gently remove stains and plaque. Besides incompatibilities, there are no concerns with this toothpaste.

This toothpaste is used in the same way as any other toothpaste. To prevent discoloration of the gums, it is very important to rinse the mouth thoroughly with water. Coconut oil is one of the well-known household remedies for whitening the teeth.

The advantage of this compared to many other household remedies is that coconut oil does not affect the enamel and gums. On the contrary, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (= anti-inflammatory) properties are attributed to the oil. It is best to take a tablespoon of coconut oil in the morning on an empty stomach and start rinsing it with the oil.

You pull the oil through your teeth and keep it moving for about 15 minutes. It is very important not to swallow the oil. The oil then emulsifies into a whitish liquid which can then be discarded into a paper towel so as not to clog the drain.

In order to eliminate the usually unpleasant taste of oil afterwards, one should even brush one’s teeth normally. Coconut oil is a very good means of choice to brighten up your own teeth. The application must be done more than 1 time to achieve an effect.

The so called oil extraction is a method to whiten the teeth. Furthermore, the oil available in every household is one of the very successful natural accompanying therapies in the treatment of periodontitis or gum inflammation. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to the oil.

It is best to take a tablespoon of oil (e.g. cold-pressed sunflower oil or coconut oil) into the mouth on an empty stomach in the morning and begin to rinse it with the oil. You pull the oil through your teeth (= oil extraction) and keep it in motion for about 15 minutes. It is very important not to swallow the oil.

The oil then emulsifies into a whitish liquid which can then be discarded into a paper towel so as not to clog the drain. To eliminate the unpleasant taste, you can then clean your teeth. Healing clay is a household remedy that is recommended for whitening teeth, among other things.

It can also be applied to protect sensitive teeth. The minerals contained in the healing clay can strengthen the tooth. It is possible to mix the healing clay to whiten the teeth and then use it as a normal toothpaste. Furthermore, the healing clay is now also available as a ready-to-use toothpaste. The advantage of the healing clay is the low purchase price as well as the harmlessness regarding possible tooth enamel damage.