Capsules | L- Carnitine

Capsules L-carnitine capsules have the advantage that they are easy to take and you don’t have any problems with the dosage. Depending on which product you buy, you have a certain amount of L-carnitine per capsule and can thus easily control your daily dosage. As a rule, the capsules should be taken with sufficient water. … Capsules | L- Carnitine


Synonyms in a broader sense protein, proteins, protein, food intake Definition Proteins are also called proteins and are found in many of our foods in varying concentrations. As so-called macromolecules, they are composed of small building blocks, the amino acids, and have different modes of action depending on the composition of the up to twenty … Proteins

Structure of proteins | Proteins

Structure of proteins Proteins consist of long, unbranched and complicatedly folded amino acid chains. Depending on how the amino acids are strung together and structured, completely different proteins with unique functions are formed. Small amino acid compounds are called peptides and proteins are referred to as having an amino acid chain length of over 100. … Structure of proteins | Proteins

Side effects | Proteins

Side effects Side effects of protein supplementation may be more severe in people with lactose intolerance or food intolerance. It is well known that side effects can occur when taking this medicine. Problems that may occur include allergic reactions to certain additives, impairment of kidney and other organ function, and mineral extraction from the bones. … Side effects | Proteins

Proteins in urine | Proteins

Proteins in urine If a patient’s urine contains an increased amount of proteins during laboratory diagnostics, the doctor refers to it as proteinuria. The urine often appears foamy and cloudy. A slight excretion of proteins via the kidneys is harmless, but if more than 150mg are released in 24 hours, the cause of proteinuria should … Proteins in urine | Proteins

Function of glutamine

As already in the main topic Glutamin described it concerns with the Glutaminsäure an amino acid, which can be synthesized by the body. Through intensive training catabolic situations arise, which cause the cell poison ammonia to be released. The glutamic acid absorbs the released ammonia. This absorption produces glutamine, which counteracts neuromuscular damage that can … Function of glutamine

Dosage of proteins

In which form should proteins be dosed? As mentioned above, the need for proteins varies. Competitive athletes, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and also adolescents have a need that sometimes deviates considerably from the norm. The group of people who have an increased protein requirement also includes people with changed eating habits and a resulting … Dosage of proteins

Side effects of pyruvate | Pyruvate

Side effects of pyruvate In contrast to the exact mode of action of pyruvate as a dietary supplement, side effects are undisputed. When pyruvate is administered as capsules, powder or tablets, stomach problems may occur. These may include stomach pain, stomach cramps and digestive problems. Also, soft stools and possibly diarrhea may occur. Dosage The … Side effects of pyruvate | Pyruvate


Introduction Pyruvate is produced in the human body during sports activities and any kind of physical stress in which the muscles are working. Since pyruvate is also involved in cellular respiration and other important biological processes in our body, it can be described as an important biological molecule. Besides the term pyruvate, the synonym “salt … Pyruvate

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris, also known as earth thorn or earth star, is a flowering plant and occurs mainly in Asia and Africa. However, there are also some wild specimens in southern Europe. The plant can reach a height between ten and 50 centimeters and looks slightly grayish due to the felty hairs. Tribulus is mainly used … Tribulus terrestris