O – legs

Medical: Genu varum Definition The bow legs are among the axis malpositions. These are deviations from the normal axis. Bow legs are characterized by the fact that the axial deviation of the legs is directed laterally outwards. When viewed from the front, the deformity gives the impression of an “O”. The bow-leg in infants and … O – legs

Symptoms | O – legs

Symptoms Generally speaking, pain is the first thing that occurs. Due to the malposition of the legs, the knee is constantly under incorrect load. In the case of bandy legs, the inner side of the knee joints is the most stressed. This leads to increased and above all early wear and tear of the knee … Symptoms | O – legs

Prophylaxis | O – legs

Prophylaxis Apart from avoiding the underlying diseases or other triggering factors, unfortunately the development of bow legs cannot be prevented. Prognosis After the operation, a hospital stay of about 7 days is usually scheduled. Partial loading of the bone from the beginning is not only allowed, but also important to strengthen the bone structure. After … Prophylaxis | O – legs


Rickets (Greek Rhachis, spine), is a disease of the growing bone with disturbed mineralization of the bones and disorganization of the growth joints in children. It is caused by a disturbance of the calcium-phosphate metabolism, which is usually caused by a too low intake or a metabolic disorder. In adulthood, rickets is referred to as … Rickets

Consequences of rickets | Rickets

Consequences of rickets The classic consequences of revengeitis include multiple bone deformations, especially in the spine, legs and ribcage, which can lead to slight to massive physical limitations in everyday life. In addition, growth disorders can also occur. In the same way, generalized muscle weakness often makes itself felt in everyday life. Poor tooth formation … Consequences of rickets | Rickets

Leg straightening

There are two possible causes for a malposition of the legs. The bow leg (genu valgum) and the bow leg (genu varum). Both malpositions are usually congenital, but can also be caused by crooked feet (flat feet). In this case, the feet sink inwards and the growth of the legs is impaired due to the … Leg straightening

Operation of bow legs

Introduction In medical terminology, bow legs are called genu valgum. This refers to an abnormal leg axis. The knees are too close together, while the feet are too far apart due to foot malpositions. In addition to the foot malpositions, vitamin deficiencies and especially calcium deficiency are often responsible for the knock-knees. Untreated knock-knees can … Operation of bow legs

Epiphyseodesis in children | Operation of bow legs

Epiphyseodesis in children The term “Odesis” is used to describe a stiffening in the knee joint joint gap. This surgical technique offers another possibility to correct the knock-knees. Since it is a variant that aims to straighten the leg axis through the body’s own bone formation, this technique is only possible in children whose long … Epiphyseodesis in children | Operation of bow legs