U10 Examination

Synonyms U-examination, examination at the pediatrician, U1- U11, youth health counseling, development guidelines, pre-school examination, one-year examination, four-year examination General information The U 10 is the eleventh examination of the child and is performed at the age of about 7 to 8 years. There are a total of 12 examinations from the first minute of … U10 Examination

Procedure of the examination – what is done? | U10 Examination

Procedure of the examination – what is done? Every examination should start with a medical history. The pediatrician will pay special attention to the child’s social development and ask how it is doing in school. Are there problems with learning or with other children? Also, as with U9, the medical history will be examined again. … Procedure of the examination – what is done? | U10 Examination

Further points of investigation | U10 Examination

Further points of investigation One of the most important diseases that can occur at this age and therefore need to be examined is ADHD. The abbreviation ADHS means attention deficit syndrome, it is particularly noticeable at a young age and should be treated. The symptoms of this disease are: Problems with attention hyperactivity, for example … Further points of investigation | U10 Examination