Torn fingernail


One speaks of a torn fingernail, if a fingernail tears partially or completely due to catching or similar injury patterns. Either the nail tears thereby only at its free standing, projecting part or down to the nail bed. If the latter is the case, a tear is connected with strong pain, since the skin under the nail is extremely sensitive and thus sensitive to pain.

What can you do about it?

The torn, protruding piece of a torn fingernail can be cut off with simple nail scissors. This prevents the nail from tearing further. The corners and edges should be filed off carefully so that they do not cut into the skin underneath.

If there is a deep crack and an open area is visible, it should be treated. To do this, it must first be carefully cleaned with a little disinfectant. Then a plaster can be applied.

If nail tears occur more frequently, it is recommended to think more carefully about a possible cause. Because, as already mentioned, a general weakness of the nail substance can be the basis, which can be the symptom of a far more serious illness. In this case it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, i.e. a dermatologist.

How can it be repaired?

Depending on how accurately the nail is torn, it can be repaired. For this purpose it should be cleaned and shortened as described above. In most drugstores and pharmacies today you can buy so-called “nail repair patches”.

These are cut to size and then stuck to the affected area of the nail. This holds the nail together again from the outside and allows it to grow safely. Once it has grown far enough, it can be cut and filed normally.

If a “nail repair patch” is not available, you can also try using tea bags or thin coffee filters. Simply cut these into small pieces and apply some nail glue or superglue – but be very careful! – Glue over the spot.

In the biggest emergency you can finally fall back on simple nail polish. Paint the nail generously and stick it back in place. However, this method is only recommended if no wound or bleeding is visible.