Tractus Syndrome


Runner’s knee, runner’s knee, ilio-tibial ligament syndrome, friction syndrome


A tractus syndrome is a pain syndrome, mainly caused by overstrain, which spreads mainly in the area of the outside of the knee and

  • Pain and
  • Can cause movement impairments.


In order to ensure the movement of the lower extremity, muscles and their tendons, originating from the hip, pull on the outside of the thigh towards the knee and are attached with a tendon plate just above the lower leg. This part of the musculoskeletal system, also known as the ilio-tibial tract, is responsible for ensuring that certain movements are performed during the movement of the leg. Depending on the anatomy of the person affected, it is possible that this bony protrusion with the muscle attachment is too far away, so that minimal friction is exerted on the tendon and muscle during a movement.

If only minor movements are performed, the patient usually does not notice this anatomical condition. No complaints are caused. However, if repetitive movements or a

  • Walking and
  • Running can be performed.
  • Permanent overloading, increased friction occurs, which leads to the symptoms. Other reasons for the development of a runner’s knee can also be
  • Chronic incorrect strain when running and walking, which despite normal anatomy in the knee can lead to friction during movement with associated complaints.


In the case of tractus syndrome, under heavy load, pulling b occurs during movement. The pain is mainly located on the outside of the knee and is referred to as The pain is The more advanced the tractus syndrome is, the greater the pain. In extreme cases, it can happen that pain already occurs at rest. In severe cases, movement is also sometimes impaired.

  • Pulling or
  • Cutting described.
  • Easy to locate,
  • But it can also radiate.