Travel Diarrhea: Diarrhea While Traveling

Beautiful days in the south – marred by diarrhea, also known as Montezuma’s revenge! Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps – all this makes a travel diarrhea. More than half of all vacationers repeatedly have to deal with diarrhea while traveling. What are the causes? What remedies help against diarrhea? What should be observed during and after diarrhea?

Causes of traveler’s diarrhea

Triggers are often bacteria, viruses or protozoa or their toxins. In the healthy intestine, there is a normal balance of different bacteria. If this balance is disturbed, it comes to travel diarrhea with all the unpleasant side effects and sometimes to a significant impairment of vacation enjoyment. A large proportion of cases can be avoided by the correct handling of food and drink, as well as prudent behavior. Since in most cases diarrhea is caused by contaminated water or food, the old rule applies: cook it, peal it, boil it or forget it! That is, cook the food, cook it through, peel it or just forget it.

Diarrhea: source of infection water

Especially in faraway, exotic countries, avoid tap water, freshly squeezed fruit juices, salads, ice cubes, and undercooked meat or fish. If, despite all precautions, Montezuma’s revenge does strike you, make sure you drink plenty of fluids. The body loses large amounts of fluids and minerals through diarrhea. Also remember that the circulation is stressed by the heavy loss of fluids. Mineral water, tea or diluted fruit juices help to regain balance. In addition, children and older people in particular should take an electrolyte replacement solution from the pharmacy. It makes up for the deficit caused by the diarrhea. The diarrhea itself should not be stopped, because it is an important and normal reaction of our body to get rid of harmful pathogens and their toxins in a quick way.

Remedy for diarrhea

Nevertheless, every first-aid kit should contain medication against diarrhea. In the short term, you can take remedies against acute travel diarrhea, which inhibit the movement of the intestines. This allows you to continue your trip – without constant fear of the next bout of diarrhea. However, these remedies should not be taken for more than two days, otherwise the natural cleansing process of getting rid of harmful pathogens will be interrupted. If the diarrhea does not get better or if there is even a fever, you should definitely consult a doctor. Other medications for diarrhea that contain yeast, tannins, or herbal ingredients have also proven effective for treatment.

Diet and diarrhea

During and after a bout of diarrhea, you should eat nothing or very little for a few days and then start on a light diet. This could be, for example, rusks, soup or rice pudding. In any case, the weakened body must be allowed to rest for a few days. Additional info: for travelers, the motto “Cook it, peel it, or leave it” still applies.