Treatment measures for ingrown whiskers | Removal of ingrown whiskers

Treatment measures for ingrown whiskers

Often no treatment is necessary and the ingrown whiskers are transported back to the skin surface by the body itself.It is important not to squeeze or scratch the affected area with your hands, as this can cause the area to become inflamed and cause furuncles to form on the face. These are pus pimples, which are caused by a bacterial infection and in the worst case can spread into the bloodstream and lead to blood poisoning (sepsis). An attempt can be made to remove dead skin flakes with the help of facial scrubs or a massage sponge and open the way for the hair to reach the surface of the skin.

A warm cloth on the face or a steam bath can also be useful, as this opens the pores. If this does not succeed in bringing the hair to the surface, other methods must be used. However, these should only be initiated after some time or if pain occurs.

The affected skin area should then be opened with a disinfected needle, so that the hair can reach the skin surface. The needle can be disinfected with alcohol, boiling water or tea tree oil. The hands should also be clean.

Zinc ointment and tea tree oil have a wound healing effect and can be applied after the hair has been removed. If the inflammation has already spread very far, a dermatologist should be consulted, who will then open the pus accumulation with a scalpel. If the inflammation is severe, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to counteract it.

Steroids, such as cortisone, may also be necessary in ointment form if the inflammation is severe. Pulling ointment promotes blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. It can be used if an inflammation has developed from the ingrown beard hair and possibly even an abscess has developed from it.

When do you have to go to the dermatologist with an ingrown beard hair?

Basically, it is not necessary to see a dermatologist immediately in case of an ingrown beard hair, since the hair usually reappears on its own. This is also not necessary if a small pimple is formed, since it can be opened by itself with a disinfected needle. However, if the inflammation spreads and there is severe swelling, redness and accumulation of pus, a dermatologist should be consulted, who will then open the affected area with a scalpel so that the pus can drain away.