Treatment of white skin cancer | White skin cancer

Treatment of white skin cancer

The treatment varies with the stage and spread of the disease. Since white skin cancer does not normally metastasize quickly and spreads relatively slowly on the skin, detection and treatment in early stages is likely. Today, there are numerous methods of treatment for white skin cancer.

However, surgical removal is still the most important. In advanced stages, lymph nodes are removed in addition to superficial surgery. However, the possibility of surgical removal depends mainly on the location and size of the tumor.Alternative treatment methods must be considered, especially for very large tumors in the face, advanced age and recurring tumors.

Additionally, therapies such as icing, chemotherapy in the form of creams, photodynamic therapy, immunotherapy and radiation are used. Especially in local chemotherapy there are many innovations and good results. The basic idea behind homeopathy is to stimulate the body’s self-healing powers so that the body can heal the disease by itself.

However, in the case of cancer, the body’s own cells are degenerated and multiply rapidly so that they form an ulcer. In the acute situation, skin cancer must be treated surgically or with chemo- and immunotherapeutics, otherwise it will spread further. Homeopathic remedies can be taken supportively, but must not be the only therapy.

Can white skin cancer be fatal?

White skin cancer is significantly less dangerous than black skin cancer. Both types of white skin cancer have a significantly lower tendency to grow infiltrating and metastasizing. The speed of their growth is also significantly lower, which is why treatment can often be carried out early.

The basal cell carcinoma does not metastasize in most cases. Even after many years of growth there is hardly any danger of further spread. Nevertheless, in order to control the local findings and prevent the possibility of metastasis, treatment should be carried out.

In the case of squamous cell carcinoma, however, the probability of metastasis is higher. Especially tumors larger than 2 cm carry the risk of metastasis. Even then, death from white skin cancer is unlikely, but possible.