Vaginal Dryness – Why It Occurs and What Can Help: Causes, Treatment & Help

Many women suffer from it, but few talk about it: Vaginal dryness. Especially in old age, the number of those affected increases – as a result of lower estrogen levels. But dry vagina can also occur in younger women and lead to problems. One trigger is, for example, the removal of the ovaries, but many women also suffer from vaginal dryness during breastfeeding. Other causes are also possible, for example physical aspects such as infections, vaginal fungi or even bladder infections. However, due to the complexity of the vagina, hormonal changes can also lead to dryness. Similarly, there is also the possibility that a dry vagina occurs as a result of psychological or psychosomatic causes. Here, among other things, problems in the partnership would be mentioned, nervousness or even a lack of sexual desire.

What are the symptoms of vaginal dryness?

A varying degree of moisture in the vagina is largely normal. Only when the vagina feels dry over a long period of time is it called vaginal dryness. Those who suffer from vaginal dryness can sometimes experience various symptoms. These vary from person to person, as do the causes. The most common symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation in the intimate area
  • Itchy intimate area
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Light bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • Pain during urination

Under normal circumstances, the cells of the vaginal mucosa and uterus secrete a milky secretion that keeps the vagina moist. In addition, the secretion protects against various pathogens. During sexual arousal, glands and blood vessels produce additional moisture. This serves as a natural lubricant during the sexual act. However, prolonged dryness of the vagina can make it more porous to some extent, and the risk of injury also increases. Similarly, the risk of fungal and bacterial infections increases, as does the possibility of developing cystitis. Interpersonal problems can also arise from vaginal dryness. In many cases, sexual intercourse is then perceived as unpleasant and the penetration of the penis causes pain.

What can be done against vaginal dryness?

A tampon is a pressed cotton or gauze pad used to absorb fluids. Fortunately, women suffering from vaginal dryness have some options for doing something about it. Below are some tips and advice on how to deal with the problem and, ideally, fix it:

  • Do without tampons: It is advisable to do without tampons during menstruation and use pads instead. Tampons reliably absorb menstrual blood, but they can also absorb vaginal secretions. This, in turn, can even exacerbate vaginal dryness.
  • Hormones in view: If a woman suffers from estrogen deficiency and thus vaginal dryness, hormone-free preparations from the pharmacy or drugstore can be tried. Here there is now a wide selection.
  • Do not overdo it with hygiene: it makes sense in most cases to act rather cautiously with hygiene in the intimate area. Clear water is usually sufficient, possibly together with a gentle and skin-neutral wash lotion.

These tips can be helpful at least for general vaginal dryness. If there are problems during sex due to a dry vagina, they are, however, many times not enough. Then, however, these tips can lead to an improvement in the situation:

  • Lubricating creams from the pharmacy: lubricating creams or lubricating gels can compensate for the dryness of the vagina before sex. This reduces friction and resistance, causing affected women to feel less pain. Products for relief are available in pharmacies, but increasingly also in drugstores or even supermarkets. When using condoms should ensure that the products are water-soluble.
  • Massage oil can also help: Likewise, some women rely on massage oil or even baby oil to increase the lubrication of the vagina. Together with condoms, however, such oils should not be used.

In principle, vaginal dryness is not necessarily a reason to completely abandon sexual intercourse. Especially during menopause, regular sex can help reduce vaginal dryness, as this improves the blood supply in the vagina. Extensive foreplay is often recommended in this context.

When should you go to the doctor?

The gynecologist deals with gynecology, that is, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive and sexual tract. Despite all the discomfort and inconvenience, even today many women refrain from asking their gynecologist for advice. Shame is completely inappropriate here. Anyone who feels that they are suffering from dry vagina should consult their gynecologist. After all, in many cases vaginal dryness can be treated very well. In addition, a disturbed vaginal environment often leads to pathogens being able to settle more easily and to an increased incidence of vaginal mycosis or other diseases – this is another reason why vaginal dryness should be clarified in any case. The gynecologist will first perform some examinations. After the medical history has been taken, questions will also be asked about how long the problems have existed and what their extent is. Possible previous illnesses or reasons for the dry vagina also play a role. Possible causes can be diabetes or high blood pressure, for example, and the use of medication or the contraceptive pill can also be possible triggers. The doctor will then perform a gynecological examination to find out whether pathogens also play a role. For this purpose, for example, the pH value of the vaginal flora is measured, which should be in the acidic range between 3.5 and 4.5. If the value is higher, hormonal changes could promote vaginal dryness.

This is how vaginal dryness is treated

The final treatment of dry vagina depends on the particular cause. A blanket statement can therefore not be made about it. If high blood pressure or diabetes are identified as the cause, these conditions must first be treated correctly. If medication is already being taken for these conditions, it must be considered whether the dosage can be adjusted or whether other medications can improve the situation. If instead psychological and mental problems lead to vaginal dryness, psychological treatments or psychotherapeutic counseling are advisable. Sexual counseling may also be helpful in these cases. The hormone-free preparations mentioned above may also be considered for treatment. This is especially the case if hormones should not be taken for medical reasons. Then, for example, hyaluronic acid is used, which supports the function of the vaginal mucosa. This can be particularly helpful if no hormones may be taken after breast cancer therapy. If there is an estrogen deficiency, appropriate preparations containing estrogen can be taken. There are ointments or suppositories, and sometimes also tablets. However, all advantages and disadvantages should be discussed with the attending physician.