Vital Substances: Micronutrient Therapy

Individually selected macro- and micronutrients, supplied to the body in sufficient quantities, can help in the prevention and therapy of dental diseases. Micronutrients (vital substances) include:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Trace elements
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Essential amino acids
  • Secondary plant substances
  • Other micronutrients (vital substances)

Some micronutrients (vital substances) our body can produce itself, but many it must take as natural components of food.

Indications (areas of application)

In dentistry, micronutrients (vital substances) are used for:

  • Stomatitis
  • Osteomyelitis of the jaw
  • Wound healing disorders
  • Dental operations
  • Gingivitis
  • Caries
  • Periodontitis

Some examples of the importance of micronutrients (vital substances) in dentistry:

Some of the micronutrients are supplied to the body under certain circumstances in insufficient quantities. This may be caused, for example, by improper food preparation or an individual vital substance excess requirements.Biographical causes.

  • Biochemical individuality – genetically determined different equipment, e.g. with scavenger enzyme systems (radical-catching enzymes), which also means different sensitivity to noxae (e.g. alcohol, tobacco consumption, drugs); furthermore, e.g. genetically determined absorption, transport and enzyme defects or reduced synthesis of enzymes, etc., partly also acquired (e.g. due to illness). This different body chemistry leads to individual nutritional needs.
  • Life phases
    • Children/Adolescents
    • Pregnancy/breastfeeding phase
    • Age: malnutrition and malnutrition in old age.
      • Unbalanced and insufficient food intake.
      • Decreased enzyme activity
      • Impaired membrane functions and transport processes
      • Resorption disorders

Behavioral causes

Causes related to disease


  • Permanent medication

Environmental stress – intoxications

Through a dental vital substance analysis, your individual macro- and micronutrient additional requirements (vital substances) is determined. You will thus learn what can lead or has led to the insufficient supply of vital substances in your body and receive an individual macro- and micronutrient therapy (vital substances) on the basis of the analysis.Comprehensive information on “prevention and therapy with micronutrients” can be found under the topic of the same name under nutritional medicine.