Vitamin B6: Health Benefits and Role in Diet

Vitamin B6 – also called pyridoxine – is a water-soluble vitamin and belongs to the group of B vitamins. Strictly speaking, the term vitamin B6 includes three substances at once, namely pyridoxole, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. Vitamin B6 must be supplied to the body from the outside, however, it is contained in many foods, so that a vitamin B6 deficiency rarely occurs.

Vitamin B6: effect on growth

In the body, vitamin B6 is crucially involved in the building and remodeling of proteins. Namely, it represents an important coenzyme for the metabolism of amino acids. As a component of enzymes, coenzymes work together with them to ensure that biochemical reactions take place more quickly. During amino acid metabolism, amino acids are converted into endogenous substances. These include the messenger substances serotonin, histamine and dopamine. While histamine plays a role in allergic reactions of the body, serotonin and dopamine are important for the sensation of happiness. As well as in amino acid metabolism, vitamin B6 is also involved in the metabolism of the central nervous system. In addition, this vitamin also plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin – the red blood pigment – and bile acid, and is also indispensable for immune defense. Finally, vitamin B6 is also important for the growth and development of our body. Therefore, during pregnancy, in addition to an adequate supply of folic acid and vitamin B12, it is also important to ensure a sufficiently high dosage of vitamin B6.

Therapeutic use of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is mainly used to treat skin diseases as well as nausea. For nausea during pregnancy, a daily dose of about 20 milligrams is recommended; for travel nausea, the dose may be higher. Likewise, vitamin B6 is credited with alleviating the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), as well as capal tunnel syndrome. In addition, vitamin B6 can also be taken to strengthen the immune system, in cases of poor concentration or learning disorders as well as sleep disorders, nightmares or depression. In general, however, vitamin B6 should be used for therapeutic purposes only after consultation with the attending physician.

Foods containing vitamin B6

The daily requirement for vitamin B6 is about 1.5 to 2 milligrams. However, because vitamin B6 is primarily important for amino acid metabolism, the daily requirement is highly dependent on protein intake. The more proteins are consumed, the more vitamin B6 is needed. For example, strength athletes have an increased need for vitamin B6. In addition, women who are pregnant or taking birth control pills, as well as elderly people, also need more vitamin B6 than the average person. Vitamin B6 is found in many animal and plant foods – particularly high amounts of vitamin B6 are found in offal, certain types of fish and whole grain products. For example, two milligrams of vitamin B6 are found in:

  • 175 grams of soybeans
  • 200 grams oatmeal
  • 200 grams beef liver
  • 250 grams of brown rice
  • 450 grams of veal
  • 2 kilograms of fruit (especially bananas)

In addition, dairy products, fish (especially sardines and mackerel), poultry and pork, as well as potatoes, nuts and avocados are also good sources of vitamin B6. The actual vitamin B6 content of the food in question also depends to a large extent on how it is prepared. For example, about 30 percent of the original vitamin B6 content is lost when meat is cooked or fried. In the case of frozen foods, the loss can even be as high as 50 percent.

Vitamin B6 deficiency: recognizing symptoms

A deficiency of vitamin B6 can have serious consequences, because vitamin B6 is involved in the formation of many other substances in the body. Thus, a vitamin B6 deficiency can result in a number of other deficiency symptoms. However, since vitamin B6 is contained in many foods, a vitamin B6 deficiency is relatively rare. Particularly affected by such a deficiency are people who take certain medications, such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants or tuberculosis drugs. Even a slight deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause the following symptoms:

  • Acne
  • Inflammatory changes of the corners of the mouth (rhagades of the corners of the mouth).
  • Fatigue and poor performance
  • Intestinal complaints such as diarrhea, but also nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased susceptibility to infection
  • Growth disorders
  • Light sensitivity

In women, vitamin B6 deficiency can also increase menstrual cramps. If there is a severe vitamin B6 deficiency, it can lead to dysfunction of the liver as well as the nervous system. In addition, important minerals such as magnesium, iron or calcium can no longer be utilized by the body.

Vitamin B6 overdose

If high doses of vitamin B6 are taken over a long period of time, an overdose may occur. One speaks of a chronic overdose from a daily intake of more than 500 milligrams of vitamin B6. This amount cannot be reached naturally – i.e. through food intake – but only by taking dietary supplements. The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) even recommends a maximum amount of only 3.5 milligrams per day as a guideline for an additional intake of vitamin B6 via food supplements. As a result of an overdose of vitamin B6, nerve damage can occur over time. These become noticeable, for example, in the form of paralysis, reflex failures, disturbances in the sense of temperature or loss of sensation in the extremities. In addition, there may also be an inflammatory reaction of the skin (dermatitis).