What do I need to know to use the cervical mucus to get pregnant? | How does the cervical mucus change during ovulation?

What do I need to know to use the cervical mucus to get pregnant?

When examining the cervical mucus, take some secretion between two clean fingers before going to the toilet. Now try to pull the mucus between the fingers apart. At the beginning of the cycle and after ovulation, the stitches are quickly torn off. Two to three days before and during ovulation, long threads can be pulled between the fingers. This phenomenon is called spinnable cervical mucus because the thin threads resemble a spider’s web.

When does the cervical mucus come?

At the beginning of the cycle the vagina is dry, which some women even find very unpleasant. Under the influence of estrogen, which increases steadily in the first half of the cycle, more cervical mucus is produced via the glands in the cervix. Towards the middle of the cycle the production of cervical mucus reaches its peak. In addition, the consistency and color of the cervical mucus also changes – the viscous, whitish secretion now appears transparent and fluid. On average, this transition point is reached on the 13th -15th day.

What does milky cervical mucus mean?

Besides the consistency, the appearance of the cervical mucus is also assessed. A distinction is made between whitish, yellowish, milky mucus and glassy, transparent secretion. Milky mucus is found at the beginning of the fertile days (approx.

10-13 days of the cycle), until the mucus becomes increasingly fluid and transparent. This would be a sign of the highly fertile days (13th – 15th day of cycle).