Bleach in pregnancy | Whitening of the moustache

Bleach in pregnancy

Women who suffer from a woman’s beard and are pregnant should inquire carefully about the available methods for removing a woman’s beard and seek the advice of a specialist. Although there is no precise knowledge of whether the bleaching agents used may have an effect on the unborn child, hair bleaching should be avoided during the first 12 weeks if possible, as this is the time when the vital organs mature and may be affected by the chemicals used. As bleaching agents contain chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin into the maternal circulation and it is not known exactly whether they trigger anything there, there is always a low risk.

It is best for the pregnant woman to consult her gynaecologist and get his opinion on the subject. When bleaching a woman’s beard during pregnancy, however, one should always bear in mind that the hormonal changes can also change the structure of the hair. It is therefore possible that bleaching does not achieve the desired effect.

The bleaching agents used

A so-called oxidizing agent is used as bleaching agent. In most cases this is hydrogen. This causes the individual pores of the skin to open up and completely absorb the bleaching agent.

The bleaching agent accumulates in the hair and removes the dye melanin. Due to the loss of the dye, the hair brightens and adapts to the complexion of the facial skin, so that the hair is no longer noticeable and immediately visible. However, the bleaching process is only successful in women with a dark moustache, as the hair is significantly darker than the skin tone and the discoloration is therefore visible.

In most cases, no effect can be seen in women with particularly light hair that resembles the skin tone. Bleaching can be done by a professional hairdresser or you can do it yourself at home. However, you should pay attention to a few points when choosing a suitable bleaching agent.

In the drugstore there are different agents available for bleaching a lady’s beard. The basis of most agents is the oxidizing agent, which deprives the hair of its colour. One possible agent that is often used for bleaching is hydrogen peroxide.

It is very cheap, available everywhere and is often used elsewhere in the household. In order not to damage the hair too much, one should make sure that the concentration of peroxide in the agent does not exceed a value of 2 – 3 %. Before applying the hydrogen peroxide to a woman’s beard, a test should be carried out on a suitable part of the skin, such as the forearm, to see whether the product is tolerated or whether an allergic reaction may occur.

The area with the applied bleach should be observed for about 24 hours and attention should be paid to changes in the skin, redness and itching. If no reaction occurs, the bleach can be used. After the bleach has been applied, the oxidizing agent must act for about 20 – 30 minutes and can then be rinsed out with cold water.

Other agents that can be used for bleaching are powders specially made for hair whitening, which are available in bottles or tubes. These ready-made powders also contain oxidizing agents that promote the absorption of the bleaching agent into the hair. Here too, attention should be paid to possible allergic reactions.

There are also so-called developer creams which can be chosen according to the natural skin tone. These ready-made powders or creams usually only have to be mixed according to the instructions in the package insert and can then be applied on the lady’s beard. All in all, when using different bleaching agents one should also always make sure to wear gloves to protect one’s hands from the chemicals that attack the skin.