What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate? | Sebaceous gland on the eye

What do lumps on the edge of the eyelid indicate?

Nodules on the edge of the eyelid or the sebaceous glands can have various causes. If there is redness and accompanying pain, it may be an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, a so-called barleycorn. If the swelling is rather painless and not reddened, the cause can also be a congestion of the meimbom glands.

Other possible causes are warts, benign connective tissue tumors (so-called fibromas), cysts, cholesterol deposits, but also malignant tumors. In any case, it is recommended to consult a physician in order to weigh up the need for treatment. Do you have further interest in this topic?

Inflammation of a sebaceous gland in the eye

A painful inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eye is called hordeolum in medicine. In the vernacular it is also known as a barleycorn. Depending on which glands are inflamed, one speaks of an external barleycorn if the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes are affected and of an internal barleycorn if the inflammation originates from the Meibom glands.

Before the development of the externally recognizable signs, such inflammation often manifests itself several days before with pain when the eyelid is moved. In the course of the disease, the eyelid becomes reddened, usually nodular, and itchy. Since the nodule is filled with pus and does not have much room to spread, an unpleasant feeling of tension usually occurs.

The inflammation is usually caused by bacteria. Therefore, adequate hygiene should be ensured and the affected eyelid should not be touched if possible to prevent the spread of germs. In most cases the barleycorn bursts by itself after a few days and the accumulated pus drains off. However, since there is always the risk of the inflammation spreading to the conjunctiva as well as the eye itself or the eye socket, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if the inflammation has not subsided by itself after one week at the latest. Measures that can have a positive influence on the course of the disease and accelerate the bursting of the barleycorn are eyelid hygiene and heat applications, e.g. warm compresses or red light lamps.