What Helps against Heartbreak?

At least once in life it hits everyone, regardless of age, gender or education level: heartbreak. What helps against the pain of separation and when is psychological help appropriate?

Overcome the heartbreak

Graduate psychologist York Scheller, health expert at TK, gives tips:

  • In the first phase after the breakup, disappointment and anger about the destroyed love usually prevail. Now it is good to let your feelings run free. Don’t bottle everything up: crying and screaming can work wonders! It frees and relieves the battered soul. In addition, it helps to confide in the best friend or girlfriend and pour out his heart.

  • After a few days, you should start to distract yourself. Now you need to actively do something about the pain. “Get out of your own four walls” is the motto. Whether in sports, in the disco or at a nice dinner with good friends – the main thing is that the thoughts do not constantly circle around the former partner.

  • A broken heart needs time to heal. This can take different lengths of time, depending on the duration and intensity of the relationship. If you have the feeling that the pain of separation is processed, you can slowly start to look for a new partner. Patience is required, because love cannot be forced. It usually happens when you least expect it.

In bad cases seek help

Sometimes the pain is also so deep that all the distractions and caring of friends and family do not help. If you find yourself becoming increasingly isolated, neglecting work, not eating sensibly or even having suicidal thoughts, professional help is needed. The best first step is to approach the doctor you trust.