What is the Eustachian Tube?

The Eustachian tube (tuba auditiva), also called the “eustachian tube,” is the tube-like connecting passage between the middle ear and the nasopharynx. It was named after its discoverer, the Italian physician and anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachio (1524 to 1574). Towards the inside, the external auditory canal is closed by the sensitive and stretchable skin of the tympanic membrane. Behind it lies the middle ear, which is connected to the eustachian tube.

Its length is approximately 3.75 centimeters. This continuous connection between the middle ear and the pharynx is responsible for balancing the pressure between the ears, nose and outside world (for example, external air pressure).

Why candy is often handed out on airplanes

The eustachian tube is often sensitive to changing pressure conditions. Normally, it opens by swallowing, chewing or yawning and thus provides the important pressure equalization in the middle ear, for example in an airplane or while diving.

This also explains why some airlines hand out chewing gum or candy, especially on long-haul flights.

Flying is not good for the common cold at all

If the eustachian tube is blocked, for example by a cold, ear pain and even injury to the eardrum can occur during a flight.

Therefore, caution is advised when you have a cold. In the case of runny noses, nasal drops can help to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes.

Nevertheless, in the event of a severe cold, it is better to bite the bullet (and be healthier) and postpone the flight!