What role does nutrition play in this? | Homeopathic medicines for acne

What role does nutrition play in this?

Diet can play an important role in the development of acne in many people, as many harmful substances can creep into the body and damage the skin. Stress, which can be increased by wrong or unhealthy nutrition, also plays a role. Therefore, there are several principles that can be followed to improve nutrition.

These include avoiding flatulent substances, such as cheese and bread, which can cause stomach ache in many people after eating them. The consumption of too much sweets should also be avoided. Hot spices can also play a role.

Which home remedies can help me?

There are several home remedies that can be helpful for acne. The use of a steam bath can be especially good for acne on the face. It has a cleansing effect and opens the pores, which frees the skin from existing germs and dirt.

For application, about one liter of boiling water should be put into a large bowl. Another possibility is the use of honey. This can be applied to the face in a thin layer, like a face mask, and remain there for 3 hours.

Afterwards, the honey can simply be washed off again with warm water. The honey has a cleansing effect on the skin and kills bacteria. Additionally it accelerates the healing of possibly existing acne scars.

For this illness a special separate article exists: “Household remedy against acne“.

  • The combination with several teabags of chamomile tea additionally ensures that irritated skin is protected and soothed. In addition, chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect and thus also relieves pain. The steam bath should not be used for longer than a quarter of an hour.