What to do if food remains in the wound? | Eating after wisdom tooth surgery

What to do if food remains in the wound?

Food leftovers should be removed. Depending on how well the wound has healed, you can rinse the wound. On the first day you should avoid the extreme rinsing with water or other, in order not to wash out the wound.

As soon as you eat food that gets caught in the wound, you can carefully try to remove the remains with a cotton swab. In the pharmacy or at the dentist’s, there are small syringes with small attachments to clean the wound daily with antibacterial mouthwash. In addition, from the third or fourth day after the operation, the wound can be carefully cleaned with a toothbrush. It is important that all instruments used to treat the wound are thoroughly cleaned beforehand.

When can dairy products be eaten again?

Dentists and oral surgeons are very controversial as to whether and from when on dairy products may be consumed again. As a rule, you should avoid milk for at least 2 days to prevent the wound from sticking. There is also the danger that the lactic acid bacteria cause inflammation.

As soon as the wound is closed a little bit in the first healing step, one may drink milk and eat other products. However, you should rinse your mouth with water afterwards, otherwise the stitches will stick together. Since every body reacts differently, it is not possible to predict if the milk products are dangerous.

For some they do not trigger a reaction, others should avoid milk for longer. Therefore, if possible, you should avoid all dairy products for about a week, at least until the stitches are removed.