When the Neck Hurts

Neck-shoulder-arm syndrome, cervical syndrome, cervicobrachial syndrome, cervicocephalic syndrome – all these terms come from the context of neck pain. What to do about neck pain? We provide information about the causes, symptoms, course and treatment of neck pain.

Definition of neck pain

Neck pain is pain in the neck region of different causes, which can also radiate to the shoulder, arms or head. A feeling of dizziness and headache is often not absent.

Neck pain: common causes

Neck pain can be a symptom of very many and very different diseases mainly in the cervical spine but also in the shoulder and chest. Most common are overuse problems of the local musculature and soft tissues due to static poor posture (for example, VDU work). Furthermore, the cervical spine is subject to a chronic wear and tear process with increasing age. Similar to the lumbar spine, this can affect intervertebral discs and vertebral joints and lead to herniated discs or vertebral blockages.

Rare causes of pain in the neck

Other, but much rarer, causes include:

In addition to these diseases of the cervical spine, shoulder joint disorders can also lead to neck pain. Mainly these are shoulder joint arthrosis, inflammation of the bursa surrounding the shoulder joint, tears of the tendons stabilizing the shoulder joint or other shoulder injuries. Internal diseases such as coronary artery disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction) can also trigger shoulder or neck pain. Not infrequently, especially chronically recurring neck pain is an expression of psychological stress or stressful situations without orthopedic cause.

Neck pain: interpreting symptoms correctly

Neck pain can occur in any age group, but increased in advanced age. An accumulation in the female sex is described. The cervical syndrome is characterized by pure neck pain, often with radiation into the shoulder, and without neurological symptoms. Not infrequently, the painfully tense muscles lead to neck stiffness with complete blockage of the mobility of the cervical spine (torticollis). If, in addition to the neck pain, there is pain radiation, paralysis or sensory disturbance in the arms or hands, one speaks of a cervico-brachial syndrome or neck-shoulder-arm syndrome. This is mainly caused by nerve irritations (herniated discs, inflammations, bone attachments, tumors) in the area of the lower cervical spine. Cervicocephalic syndrome, on the other hand, describes the occurrence of headaches (dizziness, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances) with or without additional neck pain. These are often caused by psychological stress situations, less frequently by injuries or even circulatory disorders in the cervical spine.

Diagnosis and course of neck pain

Due to the variety of causes, the possible diagnosis in this area is very diverse. Clinical examination of the cervical spine with regard to local pain points and muscle hardening as well as its mobility is a matter of course. In addition, X-ray imaging of the cervical spine in four planes is standard. Depending on the course of the pain (acute/chronic), the patient’s medical history and the degree of the complaint, additional imaging procedures or neurological examination techniques should follow. The course of neck pain due to muscular tension is usually benign and temporary. Neck pain due to wear and tear, conditions following cervical spine injuries, neurological or rheumatic diseases generally takes a chronic course with phases of acute pain and phases of relative freedom from symptoms. This, of course, occurs depending on the underlying condition in each case.

Pain in the neck: complications

Due to the variety of possible causes, equally varied complications are possible in the course.No complications are known for purely muscular, tension-related neck pain. If paralysis occurs in both arms and/or legs, further diagnostic measures should be taken.

Treatment and therapy of neck pain

The treatment of neck pain focuses on physiotherapy and physical therapy measures as described under low back pain. In the acute stage, symptomatic therapy, i.e., administration of pain medication, and temporary relief of the cervical spine is usually sufficient. This relief is achieved, for example, by a Schanz tie (cervical collar) made of foam, in severe cases also by a more stable cervical collar made of plastic. A neck roll or an appropriately ergonomically shaped neck pillow can also relieve the cervical spine. In longer courses as well as in the chronic stage, physiotherapy and physical therapy measures should be the basis of treatment.

Alternative treatment for neck pain

In addition, the methods of complementary medicine such as acupuncture or naturopathic procedures can be applied here. In addition, a variety of injection treatments and special catheter methods can be used to relieve pain. Depending on the actual cause of the symptom neck pain, surgical interventions may of course be considered after a clear diagnosis has been made and all conservative treatment options have been exhausted. The development in modern spinal surgery toward more microsurgical and less stressful surgical techniques offers a wide range of therapeutic options here.

Pain in the neck – preventive measures

Essential in the prevention of neck pain is the avoidance of monotonous loads and incorrect postures, for example, at work. Ergonomically shaped neck pillows or bolsters prevent position-dependent tension during sleep. Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles can also help prevent neck pain.