Hollow back and lower back pain | Hollow back – What you can do about it!

Hollow back and lower back pain

Due to the tensions associated with poor posture of the spine, sufferers often experience back pain. These tensions develop due to overloading or incorrect loading of the trunk and pelvic muscles and tend to increase during the course of the disease. Here, painkillers such as Voltaren or Ibuprofen can provide relief.

Apart from this, the hollow back also increases the risk of slipped discs and spinal stenosis. In the case of a herniated disc, one or more of the cartilage discs located between the vertebrae “fall” forward and lead to painful nerve entrapment with radiations into the legs. In spinal canal stenosis, nerves are constricted by the (otherwise often sclerotic) narrowing of the spinal canal, which can lead to one-sided pain with radiations into the legs.

Diagnosis of a hollow cross

The diagnosis of a hollow back can usually already be made by the so-called inspection, the viewing of the undressed patient during a physical examination. The typical posture of the affected person, the tilted pelvis and the curvature of the spine in the direction of the abdomen, are usually clear. In order to assess the extent of the hollow back and to evaluate more precisely any consequential damage that has already occurred, an X-ray examination can also be performed.

Since the treatment may vary depending on the cause, a detailed orthopedic examination is performed with the aim of identifying the cause of the hollow back. In addition to muscular imbalance, a malposition of the uppermost vertebral body (atlas), Pomarino’s disease (forefoot canal-tibial canal in children) and spondylolisthesis can also cause a hollow back. Even a quick glance is enough to get an overview of his back: Stand sideways in front of a sufficiently large mirror and observe your own posture in as natural a position as possible.

This means that you should not exert yourself particularly, nor should you pay attention to a straight posture. If you have the feeling of always positioning yourself particularly straight under observation, it can help to ask a friend or acquaintance to take a photo in profile while you are busy with something else. The picture then appears spontaneously and unobtrusively while you are not thinking about it and is therefore much more meaningful.

When looking at it, you should pay particular attention to the shape of the back: Is the axis of the body straight? Is the head in a line above the pelvis? Where is the center of gravity of the standing body?

The hollow back is characterized by a strongly forward curved lower back and a pelvis tilted forward and downward. Are there distinct dents in the course of the spine? But all this is of course only a first overview. The fact that even in a mirror or on pictures you can’t see any peculiarities does not necessarily mean that they can’t be there.Especially lighter forms of the hollow back often require an experienced view of a doctor to be recognized. So it is definitely advisable to consult a doctor if you have back pain or suspicion of a hollow back.