Which dogs are suitable for me in case of a dog hair allergy? | Dog hair allergy

Which dogs are suitable for me in case of a dog hair allergy?

The dog breed itself has no influence on the allergens or the allergic reaction of humans. In principle, the dog hair allergy does not depend on the breed of the dog, but on the allergy and the reaction of the person. All dogs have the typical proteins, which act as allergens, in their saliva and skin.

It is only through the spread of the hair that the allergens can also be distributed in the household. For this reason, dog breeds that release the same amount of allergens but lose less hair are more suitable for allergy sufferers. The naked dog is therefore best for allergy sufferers.

However, since this is not an option for all dog owners, long-haired dogs are preferable to short-haired ones, as they experience a slower change of coat. Also suitable are water dogs like the Spanish and Portuguese water dog, as well as the poodle. Also the Labradoodle and the Goldendoodle are typical dogs for allergies.

They are mixed-race dogs, which are not completely free of coat loss and therefore are only an alternative in case of light allergies. The Bedlington Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier are similar. Since allergies can vary greatly between people and between breeds, a sniff test should always be made before buying a dog.

With the careful sniffing of the dog, reactions to the animal hair can be determined most easily. Also allergy tests at the doctor can already quantitatively determine the extent of the allergy. This could also be interesting for you: Which dog suits me?

Which cross-allergies are possible in case of a dog hair allergy?

A cross-allergy is an allergy to a foreign substance whose allergen is similar to an existing allergy. Whoever suffers from a dog hair allergy can therefore sometimes react allergic to other messenger substances, as these are similar to the saliva protein of the dog. The dog hair allergy is mainly associated with animal hair allergies to other animals.

Allergies to cat or mouse hair are particularly common. These are also saliva and skin proteins that get into the hair.The expression of the allergy can vary strongly with each animal and allergen, why general statements cannot be made.