Why are psychiatrists funny? | Psychiatrist

Why are psychiatrists funny?

Some people get the impression from the department and the approach of a psychiatrist that they are ‘strange’. This is probably due to the fact that psychiatrists often want to know as much as possible about the thoughts and feelings of the patient during a conversation in order to be able to make a possible diagnosis of the present illness. Psychiatrists often have to ask the patient very private and unpleasant questions in order to fully understand the patient. It is understandable that many people find this unpleasant at first. However, to attribute this type of diagnosis to the character of the doctor would be wrong.

Are psychiatrists charlatans?

Psychiatrists are just as little charlatans as other specialists are. As already described above, in order to obtain the title of psychiatrist in Germany, a medical degree and specialist training must be completed. Thus, the accusation of a ‘charlatan’ would be wrong in this context.

The same applies to the professional titles of psychologist and psychotherapist. Since these titles are protected designations in Germany, it is a punishable offence to use them without the appropriate training and license. Such an offence can be punished with up to one year in prison.

Are psychiatrists themselves sick or crazy?

To call all psychiatrists ‘self sick’ or ‘crazy’ would be insulting and fundamentally wrong. A psychiatrist deals with the diagnosis, therapy and research of mental illness. The therapy usually consists of the administration of medication, so-called psychotropic drugs, and therapeutic discussions.

The aim of these talks is to understand the thoughts and feelings of the patient in order to be able to diagnose and treat a possible existing illness. These therapy talks are absolutely necessary in the treatment of mental illness and are perceived by patients as very helpful.To call psychiatrists ‘crazy’ simply because of their interest in the human psyche and the therapy methods used is therefore not correct.