Wick DayMed for Cold Symptoms

This active ingredient is in Wick DayMed

There are two different dosage forms of the drug, which also differ in terms of the Wick DayMed ingredients.

Wick DayMed daytime cold capsules contain dextrometorphan (cough suppressant), paracetamol (analgesic) and phenylpropanolamine (sympathomimetic). The cough suppressant is used for irritable cough. However, it is not suitable for the treatment of a fixed cough. Paracetamol is suitable for relieving sore throats, headaches and aching limbs and alleviates mild fever. Phenylpropanolamine belongs to the group of amphetamines and activates the so-called alpha and beta receptors.

When is Wick DayMed used?

Typical uses of Wick DayMed are, cough, cold, aching limbs and headache. In addition, the medicine helps with sore throat and mild fever.

What are the side effects of Wick DayMed?

Rarely, Wick DayMed may cause increased intraocular pressure or gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach pain, loss of appetite, or dry mouth). Other side effects are manifested by restlessness, tremor, insomnia, sweating or palpitations. Very rarely, difficulty urinating occurs.

If you suffer from severe symptoms or symptoms not mentioned above, always consult your doctor.

You should be aware of the following when using Wick DayMed

One sachet of the cold drink is dissolved in 250 ml of hot, non-boiling water every four hours. A maximum of four sachets may be taken daily.

In case of accidental overdose, it may manifest as nausea and vomiting, muscle relaxation, cardiac arrhythmia or increased heartbeat. Please contact a doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms.

Furthermore, special care must be taken when taking Wick DayMed at the same time as other medicines, as the effect of Wick DayMed may be increased or decreased.

The medicine must not be used in:

  • known allergy to Wick DayMed ingredients
  • heart disease
  • circulatory disorders
  • respiratory diseases (e.g. asthma or respiratory depression)
  • liver and kidney damage
  • high blood pressure

Special caution and taking only after consultation with a physician applies to:

  • cardiac arrhythmias
  • a disorder of bilirubin metabolism (Gilbert’s syndrome)

The effect of the medication can be strongly influenced by alcohol and the reaction speed can be considerably slowed down.

Wick DayMed: contraindications

Some medicines may increase the effect of Wick DayMed. These include anti-nausea agents (metoclopramide, domperidone), halothane, guanethidine, theophylline preparations, agents for gout (probenicid) and agents that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system (some psychotropic drugs).

Some medicines reduce the effect of Wick DayMed, for example agents that slow down bowel movements or cholesterol-lowering medicines (cholestyramine).

Furthermore, special caution should be exercised when taking antidepressants, beta-blockers or other antihypertensive drugs, sleeping pills, anticonvulsant drugs, coumarin derivatives (Marcumar), cardiac glycosides as well as rifampicin, salicylamide and zidovudine at the same time.

Wick DayMed: children, pregnancy and lactation.

The ingredients of the cold drink can cause malformations in the child, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Some active ingredients can pass into breast milk. Therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding is therefore not recommended.

How to get Wick DayMed

Both forms of Wick DayMed are available without a prescription from pharmacies.

Complete information about this medicine

Here you can find the complete information about the drug as a download (PDF)