Worm Diseases While Traveling: Pork and Beef Tapeworm

Porcine and bovine tapeworm occur worldwide, with porcine tapeworm being particularly common in Central and South America, Africa, India, China, and Southeast Asia. Thanks to strict controls in northern and central Europe, tapeworm infestations in humans have become rare. According to estimates, around 40 to 60 million people are infected with the bovine tapeworm, and in the case of the porcine tapeworm, it is estimated that around six million people are infected. The majority of those infected are symptom-free with pork or bovine tapeworm infestations.

Symptoms of tapeworm infestation

In many cases, tapeworm infestation is first noticed when worm parts are shed in the stool. Mild stomach and intestinal discomfort and itching around the anus may occur. The cure rate is almost 100 percent with successful treatment. With their suction cups on the head and hooks, tapeworms cling to the intestinal wall. Their body consists of flattened limbs, they resemble flat, white ribbons and resemble noodles. Tapeworm eggs can enter the human organism via raw food such as minced meat – however, thanks to numerous controls, infections have become rarer in European countries.

The pork tapeworm can measure up to four meters, the beef tapeworm up to ten meters. Symptoms of disease are usually nonspecific or absent. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite alternating with ravenous hunger, weakness and emaciation occur, and white worm members are sometimes found on the stool. While infestation with the pork tapeworm itself does not cause any typical symptoms, lack of hygiene can lead to self-infection by ingestion of eggs from the patient’s own intestinal tract, which represents a severe clinical picture.

In the intestine, the eggs develop into larvae that pierce the intestinal wall and are distributed throughout the body with the bloodstream. The brain, connective tissue and muscles are preferentially affected. Due to calcification of the larvae, they can become visible in X-rays after months. This particular form of the disease is called cysticercosis.


It is strongly recommended that hygiene be observed when traveling to tropical countries. Raw fruits, vegetables or meat, water that has not been boiled, bathing in unfamiliar waters, all of these can pose a risk. In the regions concerned, do not bathe in stagnant water and avoid direct contact of the skin with soil – walking barefoot should be rather avoided. Insect repellents and mosquito nets provide some protection against biting insects that transmit worms. However, it is important to consult your doctor if symptoms are unclear and to consider worm disease, as any early diagnosis promises a cure.