9 Tips against Dandruff on the Head

Many people know the annoying problem: dark clothes are taboo – because on them the bright dandruff, which constantly trickles from the scalp, shows particularly well. Although dandruff is cosmetically annoying, it is usually harmless. This is because the scalp – like the rest of the skin – is subject to a constant renewal process. Normally, new skin cells need about four weeks to reach the skin surface and be shed there as dandruff. This exfoliation is therefore normal, but can occur more frequently in the case of certain disorders or diseases. Constant cell renewal and the faster shedding of horny cells can result in scalp dandruff, some of which can be seen by the naked eye.

Why does dandruff occur on the head?

Dandruff can be caused by very different factors – the triggers in detail can often not be clarified. Among the causes are:

  • A hereditary predisposition
  • A tendency to increased sebum production (seborrhea)
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Stress
  • Climatic conditions (for example, dry heating air in winter).
  • The wrong hair care

A yeast fungus called Pityrosporum ovale can also lead to the annoying evil. On the scalp – as well as on the entire skin – are fungi and bacteria that are essential for a healthy skin climate. They are kept in balance by a sophisticated regulatory system. Under the influence of certain factors, however, the growth of the yeast fungus can increase uncontrollably. The fungus thrives particularly well when the sebaceous glands produce a lot of sebum.

Dandruff: What to do?

To stop the excessive colonization with Pityrosporum ovale, only the fight against the cause helps. For this purpose, there are special degreasing shampoos in pharmacies that contain agents that counteract fungal growth. The high relapse rate in the treatment of dandruff is a major problem, which is why a course of treatment (twice a week for three to five minutes for about four weeks) and then preventive application (once a week for up to half a year) is recommended. Between each treatment, wash the hair with a normal, very mild shampoo. Unlike other fungal diseases of the body, the yeast fungi that cause dandruff are harmless and not contagious. Nevertheless, something should be done about it.

9 helpful tips against dandruff

There are a few things you can do against dandruff. However, everyone must find out for themselves what helps best. These anti-dandruff tips can help you do that:

  1. Rinse shampoo well. Refrain from using too hot water when washing your hair as well as hot blow drying, this irritates the scalp even more. As far as possible, let the hair dry best in the air. Regular brushing distributes the sebum from the scalp in the hair and thus deprives the yeast fungus of its food.
  2. Even if the scalp itches, it is important to avoid scratching. In the worst case, it can otherwise come to wounds, which can cause inflammation and infection of the scalp.
  3. Aggressive agents that irritate the scalp should be avoided completely.
  4. Avoid stress as much as possible, or at least reduce it, as it is easier to dandruff in “stressful times”.
  5. Reduce sugary foods, as sugar can promote the growth of fungi.
  6. For shampooing the simple dandruff of the head are suitable shampoos that have a lipid-replenishing effect and prevent the increased formation of new cells. In between, always use a mild shampoo. The reason: anti-dandruff shampoos often dry out the scalp even more and thus intensify the formation of dandruff. Therefore, do not apply constantly.
  7. Sun helps against dandruff – therefore let a lot of fresh air to skin and hair.
  8. Give yourself a daily head massage – a well-circulated scalp develops less dandruff.
  9. Try taking Schüßler salts.

    – daily 20 Tbl. No. 8 Natrium chloratum; dandelion or horsetail tea (3 to 5 times daily 1 cup) support your hair metabolism.

By the way, apple cider vinegar is considered an effective home remedy for dandruff. To do this, dilute the vinegar in a ratio of 1:1 with water and massage the mixture before or after shampooing into the scalp. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water – the smell disappears after the hair dries.

Because of head dandruff to the doctor?

Scalp dandruff can usually be treated well by yourself. However, if the scalp is inflamed and looks reddened, weeps, is covered by crusts or even hair falls out, you should visit the dermatologist. Simultaneous skin changes on other parts of the body or if the dandruff can not be fought even with a shampoo, should also be reason to visit a doctor.