Shoulder Lift

Synonyms in the broadest sense

Neck training, strength training, muscle building, bodybuilding,


The neck musculature is formed by the trapezoid muscle (M. trapezius). This is divided into three areas. The descending part of the trapezoid muscle represents the “bull’s neck” as it is called in strength sports.

This muscle is contracted by lifting the shoulder blades. In order to train the neck muscles optimally, this exercise must be performed in isolation. Not pressing the neck, but lifting the shoulders is the best exercise for the neck muscles.

The targeted training of the neck muscles requires a relatively large effort, with little effect. Neck muscle training is therefore not used in health sports. Furthermore, a strongly developed neck musculature often counts as less aesthetic, and many fitness sportsmen and sportswomen therefore do without training this muscle group completely.

Trained muscles

Shoulder lifting can be done as a dumbbell workout as well as barbell training. The latter, however, is used because of the high training weight on the multi press. In order to lift the dumbbells sideways from the body and thus prevent injuries to the lumbar spine, the training should be performed with dumbbells.

The athlete stands in a crotch position and the upper body is slightly bent forward. The arms are almost extended, but not to the maximum. The head is in extension of the spine. The shoulder blades are raised in the sense of a shoulder twitch, and lowered again. Since this involves high tensile forces on the wrists, we do not recommend this exercise if there are complaints in this area.


Training with the Olympic pole is only recommended to very experienced athletes, because the weight is held in front of the body and the tensile stress on the lumbar spine is very high and the coordinative requirements increase with increasing weight. A training on the multi press is more suitable. The athlete stands in a step position similar to the dumbbells, but the upper body is straight.