Dry skin due to deficiencies | Causes of dry skin

Dry skin due to deficiencies

Despite the actual oversupply in the industrialized countries, shortages of certain substances are also possible in this country. These are often expressed in the area of the skin. Also with a generally unhealthy way of life, or the strong consumption of alcohol or nicotine the skin picture worsens.

Of course, a deficiency occurs especially when special circumstances arise. This can be the case, for example, with loss of appetite in old age, during pregnancy, or with eating disorders. But intestinal diseases and intolerances can also lead to too few vitamins being absorbed from food.

So before you try to replace apparently missing vitamins on your own, you should have a doctor clarify possible causes. Last but not least, psychological causes and severe stress can also lead to certain substances being absorbed less well, resulting in deficiency symptoms. As a healthy person with a reasonably balanced diet, you should not actually suffer from a deficiency.

If a serious lack is then nevertheless determined often an illness requiring treatment lies to reason. An important substance for the general function of the skin and the connective tissue is Vitamin C. It is needed for the formation of collagen, which gives the skin its structure and support. In most cases, the hair reacts with it, or is even affected earlier than the skin.

Vitamin A is also considered responsible for smooth and healthy skin. In case of zinc deficiency, the skin often not only becomes dry, but also tends to form cracks and minor injuries, especially in the area of the corners of the mouth. The group of B vitamins, especially vitamin B2, also improves the appearance of the skin.

Vitamin E, selenium and magnesium are also said to have a positive influence on the skin’s appearance. Copper and biotin are said to help increase the firmness of the skin. Last but not least, the unsaturated fatty acids are also involved in the stability of the membranes in the body and thus of the skin.

Accordingly, many of the food supplements for skin and hair, also contain certain mixtures of different oils. In principle, however, these also occur in normal food. An often overlooked deficiency is the lack of liquid.

So the skin can be damaged by a constant lack of water. If the subcutaneous tissue lacks fluid, this not only leads to increased and more visible wrinkles. The protective function and firmness of the skin in general can also be limited when there is a lack of fluid or losses.