Duration of hot flashes


Hot flushes are complaints that can be attributed to various causes. Mostly they are hormonal changes in the body that influence the temperature regulation and thus cause hot flushes. Hot flushes typically occur in the so-called menopause, i.e. women in the menopause are affected.

The regulation of the sex hormones changes in these women. The hot flushes usually last for a few minutes, but can occur very frequently. The menopause lasts for between five and ten years, after which the hot flushes usually disappear again.

Hormonal disorders such as thyroid problems can also cause hot flashes. Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) leads to increased secretion of thyroid hormones, which in turn greatly boosts the metabolism, resulting in increased heat production by the body. In this case the hot flushes occur as long as the thyroid gland function is not properly adjusted.

What has a positive influence on the duration of hot flashes?

The duration of hot flashes often cannot be influenced well. Many women try different herbal products during menopause. However, most of them will need to experiment a bit until they find a suitable product that will shorten the hot flashes.

However, the herbal products are often enough to relieve the symptoms of hot flashes. Plants such as lady’s mantle, yarrow and grape silver candles are used as possible active ingredients. Red clover and soya can also have a positive effect on the duration of hot flushes.

In addition, many affected people like to use Schüssler salts and pomegranate to relieve the symptoms. As hot flushes occur due to the altered temperature regulation, strong heat or cold applications can also alleviate or even shorten the symptoms. Regular saunas and Kneip baths are therefore helpful in the case of hot flushes.

If the symptoms are particularly severe, hormone replacement therapy drugs can also be used. These improve and shorten the symptoms, but are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, for example, and should therefore only be used after careful consideration. If the hot flushes are caused by another disease (thyroid gland, hypoglycaemia in diabetes, allergy, etc.)

this disease can be treated with medication if necessary. Do you suffer from other unpleasant consequences of the menopause? Do you suspect the thyroid gland to be the cause of your hot flushes?

If the hot flushes are caused by another disease (thyroid gland, hypoglycaemia in diabetes, allergy, etc. ), this disease can be treated with medication if necessary. Do you suffer from other unpleasant consequences of the menopause? Do you suspect the thyroid gland to be the cause of your hot flushes? Do you suspect the thyroid gland to be the cause of your hot flushes?

What influences the duration of hot flashes negatively?

Hot flashes are negatively influenced by a variety of factors. These include, above all, those behaviours that increasingly direct the body’s temperature regulation towards heat production. Food and beverages play the greatest role in this.

Caffeine, for example, can increase heat production in the body in addition to increased alertness, and heart rate and blood pressure are also increased. This can have a negative influence on the duration of hot flushes, so the consumption of coffee and black tea should be reduced or avoided completely. Alcohol can also increase the discomfort, as alcohol reduces the perception of cold.

Hot food and drinks, as well as meals that are heavy in the stomach and strongly spiced foods can prolong the duration of hot flushes. You should therefore avoid such foods, especially in the evening. Hot flushes are also caused or made worse by warm clothing and a warm sleeping environment. The general lifestyle can also have a negative influence on the duration of hot flushes: lack of exercise and being overweight have a negative effect, but exercise in the fresh air improves the symptoms.