Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button | Adult navel inflammation

Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button

It usually helps to let a lot of air get to the inflamed navel. The aim is to dry out the area, as the bacteria that cause the inflammation prefer a moist environment, which is taken away from them. Furthermore, the area should be well disinfected and cleaned with lukewarm water or chamomile solutions.

If it is a persistent infection, a pathogen-specific antibiotic treatment may be necessary, which is specifically directed against the bacteria causing the infection. Additionally, antiseptic (germ-reducing) ointments are used locally. If it is an extensive inflammation of the navel, an antibiotic is used which acts on the entire body.

In an early stage, however, it is usually sufficient to use antibiotic and antiseptic ointments locally only. If an abscess is formed in the course of navel inflammation, it must be removed surgically in any case. If a contact allergy exists, the triggering substance must logically be avoided so that an improvement can be achieved.

For the treatment of navel inflammation there are a large number of antiseptic, i.e. germ-reducing, ointments. – One example is the Betaisodona® ointment. Betaisadona contains antibacterial iodine and is frequently used.

  • If the navel also wets, zinc ointment can be used. Zinc ointment extracts water from the wound and can lead to dehydration. Zinc ointment also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • If the skin is very dry, Bepanthen® can be used. – In some cases navel inflammation is caused by fungi. Then a special ointment must be used which is effective against fungi.

These ointments are called antimycotics. Zinc ointments have a slightly disinfecting effect and are used for superficial inflammations of the skin to prevent the inflammation from spreading further. Thus they can also be used to treat navel inflammation.

Furthermore, it is also used for itching and weeping areas, as it has a drying effect in addition to the anti-inflammatory one. However, zinc ointment should not be applied to open wounds. There is a wide range of household remedies against navel inflammation which can be used independently.

In the case of pronounced inflammations, however, their use should be discussed with a doctor. One way to combat inflammation is to rinse the navel with salt water. The salt has an anti-inflammatory effect and draws water from the skin.

Furthermore, coconut oil or tea tree oil can also be applied to the navel. Both oils also have an antibacterial effect. These methods can be applied several times a day.

Warm compresses can be applied to the navel to relieve pain and calm it down. They should be wrung out well beforehand to prevent water from collecting in the navel. A paste of turmeric and water can also be applied to the inflamed navel.

The paste must be washed off again after a period of exposure. Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can also reduce itching.

Anti-inflammatory baths with chamomile or marigold can also be used. After each application, the navel should be carefully dabbed dry. Aloe vera gel can be used against navel inflammation.

This is applied to the navel. The aloe vera gel is washed out again after a quarter of an hour. A homeopathic remedy that is used for inflammations and abscesses is Hepar sulfuris.