Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel Characteristically, the skin around the navel is reddened, overheated, as well as swollen and partially torn. In addition to the redness and swelling, secretion of secretions is also one of the typical features of an inflammation of the navel. The secretion has a strong unpleasant smell and is … Symptoms of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button | Adult navel inflammation

Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button It usually helps to let a lot of air get to the inflamed navel. The aim is to dry out the area, as the bacteria that cause the inflammation prefer a moist environment, which is taken away from them. Furthermore, the area should be well disinfected and … Therapy of an inflammation of the belly button | Adult navel inflammation

Complications of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Complications of an inflammation of the navel One of the most important complications of an inflammation of the navel is blood poisoning (sepsis). Signs of blood poisoning can include high fever, increased heart rate, and increased breathing. Besides blood poisoning, peritonitis can also occur, which is very dangerous. Furthermore, it is possible that surrounding tissue … Complications of an inflammation of the navel | Adult navel inflammation

Urachus fistula

The “Urachus” is a duct that connects the bladder with the navel. At the beginning of the child’s development in the mother’s belly it is a real connection. At the end of the pregnancy this opening normally closes completely. In the case of an Urachus fistula this closure does not occur, so there is still … Urachus fistula

Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Diagnosis In addition to a physical examination, an ultrasound is usually performed if a urachus fistula is suspected. In the best case, the images show the persistent passage between the bladder and the navel. Occasionally, other imaging procedures are also used if the images produced by the ultrasound machine do not allow for a meaningful … Diagnosis | Urachus fistula