When should I start seeing a doctor? | How to recognize abnormal behavior in the baby

When should I start seeing a doctor?

Childish behavior, which makes parents very worried, is in principle always an indication for a visit to the doctor. However, medical clarification and therapy is important for babies primarily in the case of acute illnesses, which initially manifest themselves in the symptoms already described. For behavioral problems as such, medical treatment is indicated at the earliest in infancy, possibly at school age.

Are there tests for behavioral problems in the baby?

Even in older children, the diagnosis of a behavioral disorder is extremely difficult because there is no test that can be considered conclusive. One reason for this is that the definition of abnormal behavior is often unclear and can only be determined when all other possible causes have been excluded. Therefore, even for older children, there is no clear test, but rather a test battery that confirms or rejects the suspicion of abnormal behavior.

Consequently, there can be no such test for babies whose behavior is even more undifferentiated and whose possible signs are even more unspecific. However, if there is a suspicion of behavioral problems, tests on the general development of the baby are used. However, these only allow conclusions to be drawn about the child’s well-being without examining possible causes for delays in detail.

Does osteopathy help?

Osteopathy, a manual diagnostic and treatment procedure, is offered for older children with behavioural problems and can also be applied to babies. The benefit of this therapy has not been clearly proven. Here, the rule of thumb is: Good is what does good – so if the baby is clearly better after treatment, osteopathy is a useful supplement to conventional medicine for almost all problems. However, it does not replace treatment by a doctor.

What can I do myself?

It has now been suggested several times that a doctor can neither clearly identify nor treat behavioral problems in the baby. So what can parents themselves do if they notice that their child is not well? The most important principles here are love, patience and understanding, regardless of the psychological disorder.

After all, the most important thing is that the baby feels well, otherwise any possible problem will worsen. More specific help can be provided by experienced parents who raise children with behavioural problems. Due to the high number of children who show behavioral problems, affected parents can be found in almost every circle of acquaintances.

The Internet offers forums on this topic in abundance, and the seriousness of the website should be checked. Some babies, for example, benefit from a strictly regulated daily routine, others from a particularly high level of attention and activity, but still others are used to too much attention and only become behaviorally conspicuous when they feel neglected. The exchange with others provides ideas for this, which can then be tried out. After all, nobody knows the child as well as their own parents.