Household remedy against constipation for children | Home remedy against constipation

Household remedy against constipation for children

For children who suffer from constipation, the focus is on optimizing their diet. In this case, special attention should be paid to a diet rich in dietary fibre. Dietary fibers bind water in the intestine and swell up.

This promotes softening of the stool. Fiber-rich are for example whole grain products, fruit and vegetables. In addition, a sufficient supply of liquid is important.

If constipation persists, household remedies can help. However, it should be noted that constipation is not necessarily present if the child does not have bowel movements every day, as the frequency of bowel movements (how often the child has bowel movements) can vary greatly from one individual to another. If the frequency of bowel movements is less than three times a week, this can be called constipation.

In this case, household remedies such as adding some linseed or germ oil to the food can stimulate the bowel movement. Sufficient exercise is also important. For small children, a warm bath or a gentle massage of the abdomen can be helpful.

If all these measures do not help, lactose can also be used. This remedy is available in the pharmacy. The dosage should be taken carefully, otherwise diarrhoea can occur.

Lactulose can also help with constipation; this preparation is available as a powder or syrup. Here too, however, care should be taken with the dosage.