Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer screening is used for early detection of cancer of the prostate gland with the goal of detecting cancer at a curable stage.

The procedure

The prostate gland, also called the prostate gland, is located in the male pelvis between the urinary bladder and the intestine.

Older men in particular suffer from pathological changes in the prostate gland, which can range from urinary dysfunction to serious cancer.

While 50% percent of all women regularly go for cancer screening, only 15% of all men do so, even though prostate carcinoma (prostate cancer) is one of the most common cancers in men.

Prostate cancer screening is an uncomplicated, harmless examination.

The doctor can palpate enlargements, indurations, and nodules of the prostate with a finger from the rectum. In addition, a blood sample can be taken to determine the so-called PSA (prostate-specific antigen), which can indicate cancer. Furthermore, a special ultrasound examination – transrectal prostate sonography (TRUS; synonym: transrectal ultrasound) – is used for prostate cancer screening.

Transrectal prostate ultrasonography is an uncomplicated examination in which ultrasound waves are used to examine the prostate from the rectum in order to visualize pathological changes. Transrectal prostate sonography is performed:

  • Annually from the age of 40.
  • Pathological (pathological) palpation findings (palpation findings) (DRU; digital rectal examination).
  • Determination of the volume of the prostate
  • Residual urine determination
  • If changes in the prostate are suspected:
  • Changes in the vesicles seminalis (seminal vesicles).

The PSA determination (synonym: prostate-specific antigen) is a blood test (tumor marker) in the early detection of prostate cancer with the aim of detecting the cancer at a curable stage. Tumor markers are substances produced naturally in the body by tumors and are detectable in the blood. They can provide an indication of a malignant (malignant) neoplasm of the prostate and also serve as a follow-up examination in the context of cancer aftercare.


Prostate cancer screening is an important examination for you to protect yourself from cancer that is detected too late.

The regular examination serves to maintain your health and vitality, because a cancer of the prostate detected in time can be cured.