Cellulite (Orange Peel Skin)

Cellulite, also called orange peel skin (synonyms: Dermopanniculosis deformans; erroneously also: cellulitis; ICD-10 #D160: Cellulite), is a change in the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the thigh and buttock area, but also in the arms of women. It is characterized by a dimple-like, uneven skin texture.

Since the connective tissue of men is different from that of women, they are rarely affected by cellulite.

Frequency peak: cellulite occurs in varying degrees with advancing age. In overweight women or women with connective tissue insufficiency (weakness of the connective tissue), cellulite can develop at a young age.

The prevalence (disease frequency) is 80% of women in Germany.

Course and prognosis: Cellulite is not a medical problem, but a cosmetic-aesthetic one. Pronounced cellulite can be alleviated by means of adequate treatment (physical activity, weight reduction, dietary changes).