Braces for Adults: Fixed or Loose?

A bright, beautiful smile is convincing – with or without braces. However, many adults do not dare to smile with their mouth open due to misalignment of their teeth. But healthy and straight teeth are not just a question of aesthetics. Severe misalignment of the teeth can lead to negative consequences for health in the long term. Therefore, in serious cases, it may be advisable to use braces even for adults. Find out here whether loose or fixed braces make more sense for adults.

When do adults need braces?

While braces are not uncommon among teenagers, many adults are reluctant to wear braces. But more and more adults are opting for them anyway. After all, those who have crooked teeth often also have a problem with self-confidence. For many, braces may take some getting used to, but they can solve the problems permanently. But in addition to psychological stress, health problems that can be a result of the misaligned teeth often play a major role. Even if the teeth have no or only minor misalignments in adolescence, this can change over time. Individual teeth can shift, creating small gaps between the teeth, which in turn can lead to crowding of the teeth. Problems with biting, chewing as well as speaking can be possible consequences, as can caries. But also pain in the head and jaw can be favored by crooked teeth. Dentists also see teeth grinding as a major problem for adults. Those who grind their teeth not only wear them down, but can likewise promote shifts as well as misalignments.

Reasons for braces in adults

The following is a summary of the most important reasons for braces in adults:

  • Misaligned teeth are often perceived by sufferers as a visual blemish or can result in speech impediments. This can affect self-confidence and quality of life.
  • Gross dental malocclusions can increase the risk of tooth decay.
  • Faulty tooth contact (meeting of the rows of teeth) can lead to possible loss of individual teeth.
  • Misalignments in the jaw cause uncomfortable tension in the temporomandibular joint, these can extend to the neck and cause pain in the neck, jaw and head.
  • Ear pain can be the result of a misalignment of the teeth.
  • Problems chewing can lead to stomach and intestinal problems.

Fixed or loose braces?

Depending on the severity of the misalignment of the teeth, the dentist will recommend a suitable technique as well as form of braces, technically known as medical tooth adjustment. The main distinction is between fixed braces, which remain on the teeth around the clock, and loose braces, which can be removed at any time. The two types have different advantages and disadvantages.

Fixed braces with brackets

The best known are the so-called brackets. This is a fixed brace, which can lead to visible success even with severe malocclusions of the teeth in adulthood. Here, a bracket is attached to each tooth in a row of teeth, which has a wire running through it. This allows the desired pressure to be exerted on the teeth. The wire should be readjusted every four weeks to adjust the pressure to the progress made so far. Brackets are available in a variety of materials. Metal brackets are immediately visible when laughing, which often bothers adults in particular. Brackets made of plastic or ceramic are far more aesthetic. The disadvantage of these materials is that ceramic is difficult to remove from the tooth and plastic can turn yellowish due to nicotine and caffeine. When wearing brackets, there is a technique that is popular especially for required braces for adults – the ligunal technique. This method, although costly, is virtually invisible as the brackets are attached to the inside of the teeth. However, the following applies to all brackets: thorough cleaning as well as care of the braces are mandatory. Otherwise, there is a risk that food debris stuck to the wires can lead to tooth decay.

Advantages and disadvantages

These are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed braces:

  • Advantages of fixed braces are usually very good treatment results in a comparatively shorter treatment time and the possibility of wearing the braces almost invisible.
  • Possible disadvantages are any problems with pronunciation and the more difficult dental hygiene. In addition, overloading the teeth or insufficient dental care can cause damage to the teeth.

Loose braces for adults

In contrast to fixed braces is the loose braces, which are removable. Here, either classic loose braces or dental splints are used. The dentist first takes an impression of the jaw to make the braces to fit precisely. Classic loose braces consist of a plastic centerpiece located behind the teeth and adjustable wire brackets (clasps) that enclose the teeth. Such braces should be worn at least 16 hours a day. Regular office visits are necessary to retighten the screws and wire springs. There are also transparent dental splints (aligner technique), which are quite inconspicuous. To correct the teeth, different dental splints are made step by step. At regular intervals, the dental splints are changed in a predetermined order until the desired result is achieved. Depending on the correction of the teeth required, approximately between 20 and 60 splints are changed. In the case of minor tooth fixations, about 3 to 9 different splints may also be sufficient. Both the duration of treatment and the cost are shorter in this case.

Advantages and disadvantages

These are the advantages and disadvantages of loose braces:

  • Advantages of loose braces are that it is easier to clean the teeth and that the braces can be removed from the mouth at any time, for example, for eating, sports or important appointments at work.
  • Their disadvantages are that they are only suitable for mild tooth misalignments, the treatment time is usually longer and there may also be problems with speech (especially in the beginning). In particular, the aligner splints are also controversial, as their effectiveness is not considered sufficiently proven.

Who bears the cost of braces?

The cost of braces for adults is not usually covered by public health insurance. Unless it is an extreme malocclusion or a combined orthodontic-jaw surgical treatment is necessary for health reasons. The cost of braces for adults depends on the duration of the treatment as well as the technique and can range from 500 to several thousand euros. For a fixed brace you should expect about 2,500 euros, a transparent splint falls about 2,000 to 6,000 euros in the weight.

Conclusion: braces for adults

There is no age limit for beautiful as well as healthy teeth. The use of braces for adults can usefully support the health of the teeth, but is not in every case commanded or necessary. After wearing braces for adults, it is always necessary to continue stabilizing the corrected teeth, which is done with a so-called retainer or even further splints, which are usually worn at night.