Breathing Properly with Breathing Exercises: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Doing proper breathing therapy on yourself is difficult and is better done under guidance. But it is still interesting and occasionally comforting to know what options are open to make life more livable, healthy and beautiful.

Relaxing properly while breathing

With proper breathing, it is not so important to take particularly large breaths; what is important is the harmonious flow through the lungs without tightening the muscles. The respiratory muscles and with them the lungs work independently of our will. They obey the signals from inside the organism. However, we can intervene with our will in a controlling way. Our body is set up in such a way that, if necessary, we can consciously give certain parts of the lungs a special breath. Especially due to bad posture or tension of certain muscle groups, which are possible voluntarily or involuntarily as reactions to processes in the organism or the environment, often the air cannot flow into all parts of the lungs. Such imperfect breathing, carried out over a long period of time, can become the cause of diseases. It is not so important to take particularly large breaths, what is important is the harmonious flow through the lungs without tightening the muscles. That’s why, before we start conscious breath training, we need to have the experience of the breath flowing through us. We can do this best in complete relaxation.

Breathing gymnastics for correct breathing

To do this, we lie on our backs on the floor or in bed. The arms lie slightly apart beside the body, and the outstretched legs fall slightly outward at the hip joint. At the beginning we practice alone in the room, without spectators disturbing our concentration on the relaxation and later on the breathing experience. We check our body again from the head to the feet to see if all muscle groups are really relaxed. The relaxation of the arms starts from the shoulder girdle, that of the legs from the hip joint. Again and again we will check for muscle groups that have not yet been loosened. Finally, we also remember to relax our facial muscles, especially the muscles around the eye. Now we experience our breath in relaxation. We are completely passive and let the breath move through us pleasantly like the up and down of the wave movement. We breathe through our nose, even more, we smell the air. When we inhale, the body rises and the chest expands, especially in the lower sections at the front, sides and back, and only very slightly in the upper sections. On the exhalation, the body lowers and the rib widening decreases. The shoulders remain lowered the whole time. The rhythm of breathing is also very important. It should be three-part not two-part. The inhalation and exhalation phases are followed by the resting phase. Normally, the inhalation phase increases gradually, then there is a gradual transition to the exhalation phase, which lasts at least as long as the inhalation, but preferably longer. Now comes the resting phase, almost as long as the inhalation. With every directed inhalation movement, care must be taken not to start it immediately after the exhalation, but to wait for the corresponding rest period first. Our last but all the more important attention should be paid to the exhalation phase. To discuss its manifold possibilities in itself and in song and speech, however, would go far beyond the scope of this article. With breath training one can achieve versatile success:

Getting healthy breathing

1.We can practice breathing to increase our breathing volume and to better ventilate our lungs. In this regard, we mainly do deep breathing exercises to repair damage caused by lack of exercise and insufficient breathing. It should be noted, however, that deep breathing exercises should be done alternately with circulation-stimulating gymnastics (fast hand and foot movements, wide swinging arm movements, running in place, etc.), because many deep breaths in succession without movement are not good. 2. we can breathe through certain parts of our lungs one by one, according to the respiratory findings. 3. we can influence internal organs with breathing exercises in a certain way: heart and circulation, digestion and many others. However, this can be done only under precise instructions of the doctor or physiotherapist. 4. we do respiratory gymnastics to influence posture, chest and spine shape. 5. we influence the lung elasticity by certain breathing forms.In this case, the first thing to do is to eliminate chest rigidity by loosening and to exercise the vascular walls of the pulmonary alveoli by exhaling intermittently and later also by inhaling. 6) By means of certain positions and vibrations and buzzing exhalation, a desired secretion can be helped. 7. skillful tuning of breathing form and rhythm can affect our mood, bring joy of life and revive our creative power.