Neck Tension


Neck tension manifests as neck and muscle pain and a tightening and hardening of the muscles. They result in limited range of motion. Under certain circumstances, the head can no longer be turned to the side. This condition is also known as “cervical gyration.” The pain and cramping are uncomfortable and disrupt normal daily activities. They often lead to sleep disturbances.


Possible causes include:

  • Physical overload, e.g., from carrying too heavy a load, after exercise (e.g., drafts on a bicycle).
  • Bad posture
  • Working on the computer, office work
  • Cold in winter
  • Stress
  • Draft
  • As a result of a cold or flu
  • Cramping, for example, after a fall.


This article refers to simple complaints. Complicated causes such as whiplash, a herniated disc, infectious diseases, for example due to bacterial meningitis with severe headache and fever, tetanus, tumors and chronic neck pain must be medically clarified and treated.


Neck and back pain can be prevented with strong neck and back muscles. The computer workstation should be ergonomically designed. Risk factors should be avoided (see above). Although exercise is also listed as a risk factor, regular physical activity can also have a positive effect.

Nonpharmacologic treatment

Heat is a good treatment and prevention tool. As soon as the symptoms appear, a scarf, turtleneck sweater, or heat pad or patch should be worn to warm the neck and adjacent neck. Neck pillows and other aids and medications may also be considered. Other measures: Physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, wellness, relaxation and exercise.

Medication treatment

Pain medication:

  • Painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or diclofenac relieve pain and help reduce muscular tension. For more severe symptoms, internal use is preferred. Opioids such as codeine may also be used. Good pain management is important to break the vicious cycle of pain-cramping that causes symptoms to persist and worsen. Complementary external medicines can also be applied, for example, a diclofenac gel.

Heat treatment:

Muscle relaxants (muscle relaxants):

  • In medical treatment, for example, tolperisone is used. For self-medication, the usually well-tolerated magnesium is available.

Herbal medicines: